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If you are planning to take the SAT Chinese Test, consider SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep from 大象传媒. SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep takes place according to your academic goals. SAT subject tests are ways for students to improve their college application and potentially receive college credit. Regardless of your goals, SAT Subject Test in Chinese test prep is an opportunity to pursue those goals in a flexible and supportive environment.

The PSAT Chinese Test measures a student's ability in a number of ways of understanding the language. One aspect of the exam is the listening portion, which tests students on the following recommended skills:

SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening Recommended Skills

  • Ability to understand spoken Mandarin Chinese in short, spoken dialogues and narratives about everyday topics.
  • Ability to complete sentences in a way that is appropriate in terms of structure, grammar, vocabulary, and context.
  • Identifying usage that is both structurally correct and contextually appropriate.
  • Understanding of such points as the main and supporting ideas, themes, and setting of a written passage.

An SAT Subject Test in Chinese class is a one-on-one opportunity for you to learn from a skilled tutor. Because you are the only student in your SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep course, your needs are front-and-center. Regardless of which portion of the exam or which skills you want to study, you and your tutor can develop a plan to pursue your learning goals. Below is a list of topics seen on the SAT Chinese Test that you may study during your SAT Subject Test in Chinese tutoring sessions:

SAT Subject Test in Chinese Topics (non-comprehensive)

  • Spoken Mandarin statements
  • Understanding questions in Mandarin
  • Understanding Mandarin dialogue
  • Sentence completion
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Reading Mandarin in traditional or simplified characters
  • Understanding written Mandarin

In addition to the time you spend improving your language skills, your SAT Subject Test in Chinese preparation is a time when you can work on test-taking strategies. Using test-taking strategies as a great way to make the most of your SAT Subject Test in Chinese test prep. Because of the unique challenges of the SAT Chinese Test, you can use your time in SAT Subject Test in Chinese classes to develop test-taking strategies specifically for this exam and the types of questions it asks.

SAT Subject Test in Chinese courses are also a great opportunity to develop your study skills. If you are taking the SAT Chinese Test, you are most likely planning to attend college. The capacity to make a study plan and pursue that study plan is an academic competency that you can use for years. Beyond the benefits that SAT Subject Test in Chinese tutors can offer related to the SAT Chinese Test, they are also able to help you learn skills that you can use throughout your academic career.

Your SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep takes place online through our Live Learning Platform. This platform is an opportunity for you to learn in a collaborative environment in real time. Additionally, you don't have to worry about commuting to meet with your instructor. You are able to do your SAT Subject Test in Chinese test prep from anywhere with an internet connection. This adds an element of convenience to your SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep, so that you can get to work studying.

SAT Subject Test in Chinese test preparation from 大象传媒 is here to help you pursue your goals on the SAT Chinese Test. SAT Subject Test in Chinese prep is flexible, convenient, and focused on you. If you want an environment to pursue your SAT Subject Test in Chinese test prep that is focused on your needs and goals, contact an educational consultant over the phone or online today.

Contact us today to connect with a top SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening instructor