If you're seeking WISC V test prep for your student, you can get in touch with 大象传媒 to learn about our WISC V courses that are available. The fifth edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children is administered to six to 16-year-old students to measure their intelligence and cognitive abilities. The WISC V can be used to identify students who have learning abilities or are gifted and talented. Testing scores are compared to normative samples from students in similar age groups. Thorough WISC V prep can make a difference in the results as it can give your student ample time to build the critical skills the exam covers. Our Educational Directors can help you explore your student's WISC V preparation options.
The WISC V measures five Primary Index Scores to form a full IQ score. The core subtests that can be covered during your student's WISC V test prep include:
Primary Subtests
- Visual Puzzles is a new Visual Spatial subtest that measures the ability to analyze and synthesize information
- Figure Weights is a new Fluid Reasoning subtest that measures quantitative reasoning and induction
- Picture Span is a new Working Memory subtest that measures visual working memory
One-on-one WISC V tutoring can follow along with a personalized learning plan based entirely on your student's needs. This academic plan takes your student's learning personality, interests, age, and other factors into account to put your WISC V prep on the right path. Your student can set the pace of each WISC V course to give them ample time to build their skills until they feel confident about them. Their instructor can even patiently explain the material to them in a variety of ways. Your student can freely ask questions as they practice their abilities to receive instant feedback on their efforts.
The WISC V can be used in a variety of ways, such as the ones listed below:
Users & Applications
- Identify intellectual disabilities,
- Identify and diagnose learning disabilities/disorders,
- Evaluation of cognitive processing
- Assessment of giftedness
- Assessment of brain injury impacts
With the guidance of an instructor, your student can take advantage of WISC V prep sessions that revolve entirely around their needs. Their instructor may provide unique activities that can help your student work on their skills. One WISC V class may spend time practicing fluid reasoning with figure weights while another might focus on memory-related tasks.
Throughout your student's WISC V test preparation efforts, they can enjoy ongoing support as they learn. As the sole student, they can dictate what they want to focus on, whether they'd rather spend time practicing their verbal comprehension skills or expanding on their existing processing skills. WISC V prep can offer a unique approach to your student's testing needs, which can incorporate study and testing techniques that can be used on future exams.
Your student's WISC V tutors can arrange each study session around their busy schedule. You don't have to struggle to find time for your student's WISC V test prep needs. Your student can meet with their tutor online through our virtual learning platform. Online tutoring is a unique option that allows your student to live chat with their instructor over webcam.
大象传媒 can help you find solid WISC V test prep classes that can support your student as they work to build their skills. You can get in touch with our educational directors to learn more about how WISC V classes can support your student as they get ready to show what they know on the WISC-V.