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If your high school student is preparing to take any of their Regents exams, whether the standard tests required for graduation or one of the tests for Advanced or Honors designation, 大象传媒 offers Regents prep courses that can help them improve their study skills and guide their efforts towards earning their best score possible. We can connect your student with private tutoring Regents classes to help them feel confident in their preparation.

The Regents system of testing in New York State was designed to evaluate high school students' achievements in basic subjects. necessary to graduate. Getting help through a 大象传媒 Regents course can help your student as they work towards earning their high school diploma. We are able to offer your student a Regents prep course uniquely targeted to their specific needs. You can sign your student up for Regents prep classes that focus on the one subject they're finding especially challenging, or you can have them study for all the exams they'll take each year. One of the most helpful features of the Regents courses offered by 大象传媒 is the high degree of flexibility available.

How can a Regents course near me help my student meet the requirements for the exams?

The first thing your student's Regents class instructor can do is describe exactly what the requirements are. One thing to note about the Regents is that it's not just one exam, but a set of tests. The following is a list of the available tests:

Regents Exams:

  • United States History and Government
  • Global History and Geography
  • English Language Arts
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Geometry
  • Living Environment
  • Earth Science: The Physical Setting
  • Chemistry: The Physical Setting
  • Physics: The Physical Setting

Your student's Regents course instructor can help them delve into the contents of the Regents exams. Here are the requirements for earning a diploma.

Students must score 65 or higher in:

  • English Language Arts
  • At least one math Regents
  • At least one science Regents
  • At least one social studies Regents
  • One additional Regents Exam in any subject or by passing a state-approved exam

When should I sign my student up for Regents prep classes near me?

Although there is a suggested schedule for taking the Regents exams over the four years your student is in high school, and the possibility they can take at least the Algebra I exam in eighth grade, this is not set in stone. Since the schedule can be different for different students, it may be best for your student to take a Regents course each year to study for the exams they'll be taking. This can set up a pattern of taking their annual Regents prep course through 大象传媒, taking the exam, and then reviewing the results with their parents, teachers, and tutor. The consistency provided in this model could be an additional aid to your student's preparation for the Regents. Following a routine could help reduce anxiety and increase your student's focus during their Regents classes.

If you need to find Regents classes to help your student as they prepare to retake one or more exams they didn't pass in a previous year, 大象传媒 can certainly help with that. We can connect your student with a Regents tutor who can examine their previous scores and then administer a practice test or section. As your student works on solving the problems, their tutor can observe how they answer questions and what specific difficulties they're experiencing. They could then work with your student to come up with a customized Regents prep course study plan based on their individual needs. This ability to customize lessons is one of the many benefits your student can receive from their Regents prep courses provided by 大象传媒.

Can a Regents prep class near me help my student become familiar with the format of each Regents exam they're taking?

The Regents prep class professionals 大象传媒 will connect your student with are familiar with the format of each exam as well as the content. They can go more in-depth into each exam, but we can do a quick review now.

The English Language Arts Regents exam is a requirement for all graduating students in New York. The test consists of three sections, each of which provides one or more passages for your student to read, followed by different types of questions. The Reading Comprehension section is made up of multiple-choice questions, the Writing from Sources: Argument section requires students to write an argument essay, and the Text Analysis section has students write a 2- to 3-paragraph response. Like almost all the Regents exams, students are given 3 hours to complete the English Language Arts test. Keep reading to learn how Regents prep classes can help your student develop time-management skills to help them complete all questions.

Regents prep courses can help your student prepare to pass at least one of two Social Studies exams, either the Global History and Geography exam or the United States History and Government exam. They can work together to review the content found on each exam and the instructor explain the format, which both exams share. First your student will answer 50 multiple-choice questions, then write a thematic essay to answer a question, followed by providing short answers to 7-8 questions based on documents provided, and finally, they'll compose a document-based essay. Again, students are allowed 3 hours for either exam.

Students must pass at least one of the Math Regents to graduate. To earn an Advanced Diploma, your student will need to pass all three. If they choose to pursue this route, they will probably take one exam each year upon completion of the related math class. Your student's Regents class can review the content each year, and their Regents course instructor can explain the way questions will be presented. Each of the Math exams, the Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Regents, start by posing 24 multiple-choice questions, which are then followed by 12 or 13 constructed-response or short-answer questions. Once more, three hours is the maximum time allowed for each exam.

Finally, students are required to pass at least one Science Regents exam out of the three that are offered. The Biology and Chemistry Regents each allow the same 3-hour time limit as the majority of the exams, and their instructor can focus some time during their Regents course to discuss the different combinations of multiple-choice, free-response, and constructed-response questions on each test. The Earth Science Regents has one unique feature in that there is an additional lab component, which is generally taken by students two weeks before the written exam. If your student chooses to take this exam, whether as their one science choice or as part of their pursuit of an Advanced Regents diploma, they can expect the content and format to be thoroughly covered during their Regents courses.

What advantages can Regents classes near me give my student compared to studying on their own or in a classroom?

Regents courses through 大象传媒 offer a wide variety of benefits. When they work with a private tutor, your student can receive much more attention geared to their specific needs than they could in a large classroom setting. Because there are a number of Regents exams, there is no one way to go about studying for them all, or even all the required ones. Therefore, your student's tutor can provide much more customized instruction. They also have the flexibility to adjust your student's study calendar in real time based on the achievement and growth they witness your student making.

If your student ends up finding one or more concepts particularly challenging, a private tutor can slow down and spend as much time coaching them and guiding them as they need until they experience the a-ha moment of understanding. Their tutor can then provide as much or as little practice necessary to help your student feel confident as they solidify and then master the material. At the same time, if they begin to review a specific subject and your student proves to already have a solid understanding of it, their Regents course instructor can quickly move on to the next subject. Neither of these is generally possible in a classroom where the needs of all students must be considered. You can see how this leads to individual Regents prep classes providing much more efficient use of your student's valuable test prep time.

Students who study on their own for important tests like the Regents tend to lack the perspective necessary to accurately evaluate how well they are doing. Even if they are using various resources to guide their study, they lack the benefit of having a knowledgeable individual who understands both the Regents exam and how to prepare for standardized exams evaluating them objectively and providing suggestions for improvement that are directed towards your student's unique needs and abilities. This is the kind of personal attention and test prep customization that's not available in a classroom or in solo study. This is the basic reason 大象传媒 has developed the one-on-one Regents class that is designed to give them, and all other Regents exam students, personalized assistance as they work hard to prepare for these crucial tests.

How can Regents test prep near me help my student prepare for the exam in addition to content review?

There are a lot more things your student can learn to help them improve their preparation for standardized exams like the Regents beyond comprehensive content coverage (although you can definitely depend on their tutors to provide that, as well). Test taking can be considered a skill on its own, and one that isn't usually taught in schools. Since the results of the Regents exams come with much higher stakes than any one classroom quiz, it's important to carefully prepare for each Regents test. Your student's Regents prep class will almost certainly involve developing their study and test-taking skills in addition to subject review.

Your student's Regents instructor can help them improve their pacing if they're having difficulty completing all the tasks in the time allotted. Some students find the wording of questions on standardized exams different from what they're used to seeing on a test. Their tutor can provide them with time to practice reading questions carefully so they don't miss a crucial word in a problem, like "except," which could lead them to giving the opposite of the correct answer. Helping your student become familiar with the way Regents questions are worded could greatly reduce the time they need to answer each question correctly, which in turn can enable them to complete the exam at the pace necessary to complete all items.

Throughout their years of taking tests and quizzes in various classes, your student has been encouraged to double-check each answer before turning their test in. Their private Regents instructor may turn that advice completely on its head, and instead teach your student to trust their first instinct on Regents questions. If they can answer a question in their head before checking the options offered, they can feel confident they've come up with the right answer when they see theirs as one of the choices on the list of possible solutions. Even if the answer doesn't pop right into their head, it's not always necessary to work out entire multiple-choice questions, especially on the Math exams. Their Regents tutor can show them how to work problems just far enough for it to become clear which of the answer choices provided is correct. Their tutor may even be able to give them strategies to improve their likelihood of choosing the correct answer when they are entirely flummoxed.

For many students, test anxiety is their downfall. They've learned all the content, have a good set of test-taking strategies at the ready to help them complete the exam, and yet when they sit down to the Regents, they freeze up or the answers seem to have suddenly disappeared from their minds entirely. Happily, Regents class tutors can probably help them with test anxiety, both directly and indirectly. They can have your student practice various unobtrusive relaxation techniques they could practice on test day until they find one that works for them. Indirectly, the whole process of becoming as familiar as possible with the testing situation before they ever enter the room can help alleviate the kind of anxiety caused by fear of the unknown.

If you're ready to learn more about how a Regents prep class could be the answer for your student, reach out to 大象传媒 today. A skilled professional is ready to answer your questions and help you get set up with expert Regents preparation assistance from a test-prep expert.

Contact us today to connect with a top REGENTS instructor