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Are you a parent or guardian of a student between Pre-K and 4th grade, and are you interested in enrolling them in a select school? If so, they could could use some help from an ECAA class provided by 大象传媒. The ECAA, an abbreviation of the Early Childhood Admission Assessment, measures a student's skills to determine admission to a specific school. Reach out to a representative to learn more about how an ECAA course can assist your student.

The ECAA is administered to students between Pre-K to 4th grade, in the New York City metropolitan area. It's given to students individually or in small groups, depending on their ages. The exam assesses their general academic knowledge, as well as special skills. While the test doesn't predict future school success, it can produce vital information about a student's present academic development level. Below is a sample of what kinds of concepts students in the Pre-K to 1st-grade levels would be assessed on during the ECAA:

ECAA Sections for PreK-1st Grade Students

  • Verbal
    • Vocabulary
    • Similarities
    • Information
    • Comprehension
  • Nonverbal
    • Block Design
    • Matrix Reasoning
    • Bug Search
    • Picture Concepts

An ECAA prep course tutor can help your student with anything they're having trouble with. Does your student struggle with vocabulary words? In an ECAA prep class, an instructor can help your student try to understand them better with flash cards, word games, and puzzles. The ECAA for Pre-K to 1st-grade students covers non-verbal sections, like bug search and picture concepts. An ECAA course tutor can assist your student with these areas by using workbooks or worksheets for practice. Our ECAA prep courses will give your student one-on-one attention. Asking or answering questions in front of other people can be intimidating, especially for those who are entering school for the first time in their lives. Engaging in private lessons with ECAA class tutors can be beneficial for students because the tutors can assist with building confidence.

If your student's a bit older, between the 3rd and 4th grades, the reading comprehension section on their exam would cover topics like these:

ECAA Grade 3 and 4 Reading Comprehension Section

  • Vocabulary in Context - using clues in a reading passage to understand a word or phrase
  • Explicit Information - understand the main idea of a passage and answer questions about details
  • Inference - using information provided by a passage to draw a conclusion, summarize, and understand the motives or behaviors of characters
  • Analysis - Make predictions or connect information from various parts of a passage

In our ECAA prep classes, a tutor can help your student understand the above topics in ways that align with their learning style. For example, if your student learns better by hearing something, a tutor can assist them with a subject like analysis by reading a passage from a book or article. If they feel anxious about taking the ECAA, a tutor can try to help them calm down by teaching them relaxation techniques.

Many students are busy with activities like sports and music classes, and they have little time for private academic help. Unlike typical tutoring sessions, our ECAA classes offer a flexible schedule so that your student can partake in lessons and enjoy their extracurricular activities without them conflicting with each other. We also offer a Live Learning Platform, so your student can meet with a tutor from the comfort of home through a computer or other mobile device. Begin helping your student reach for their educational goals by contacting 大象传媒 today. Educational Directors are standing by eagerly waiting to assist you with signing up your student for one of our ECAA courses.

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