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If you're a project manager contemplating taking the next step in your career, you can count on 大象传媒 to provide you with a top-quality PMP prep course to help you as you prepare for the PMP certification. If you're ready to face this challenge, then you've not only earned your degree but also worked for years as a project manager. You're invested in this career path, and as the Project Management Institute says, "certification is an important step in career development, and recognizes qualified and competent individuals." With the one-on-one assistance you receive in your 大象传媒 PMP course, you can feel confident that you're studying as thoroughly as possible for the exam.

The difference between the 大象传媒 PMP prep courses and those taught in a classroom setting is that we connect you with private PMP classes featuring just you and your PMP instructor. This allows for flexibility and personalization for every PMP prep class session. Because your instructor, or tutor, is focused solely on your PMP preparation needs, they can conduct each PMP class in whatever way is most beneficial for you.

One example of this is that your PMP prep classes can include time looking at all aspects of the exam. This table shows the domains and weights you'll be facing on exam day:

PMP Exam Outline

Domain Percentage of Test
Initiating 13%
Planning 24%
Executing 31%
Monitoring and Controlling 25%
Closing 7%

The value of knowing the number of questions you'll have to answer and the amount of time you have to complete them is to practice your pacing and stamina. Four hours is a long time to remain focused on an examination, so your PMP tutor may set up timed, simulated practice test situations that mimic the actual testing environment as closely as possible. This enables them to observe how you go about taking the test, and gauge whether you're answering the questions quickly enough to finish all of them before the timer is up. A knowledgeable PMP tutor can then provide you with strategies to help you improve your time management based on what they observe, and continue to monitor your progress until you feel comfortable with your pace.

Of course, these types of techniques can be worked on during your PMP course in addition to comprehensive coverage of the content you'll face on test day. The PMP certification is relevant across the globe. The principles apply to project managers in any industry, in any location, and with any methodology. The table presented here shows a sampling of the topics you can study with your PMP tutor:

PMP Topics (Non-Comprehensive)

  • Elements of a project charter
  • Estimation tools and techniques
  • Human resource planning
  • Lean and efficiency planning
  • Elements of a statement of work
  • Quality standard tools
  • Risk response techniques
  • Quality validation and verification techniques
  • Transition planning technique

Even if you're familiar with most of this material, don't miss the opportunity to get the detailed kind of information your tutor can provide in each PMP class session. Being exposed to the types of questions that will be on the test can help ease any anxiety you might feel as you arrive at the testing location.

Contact 大象传媒 today to learn more about how our PMP courses can help you as you work for a better future. We can get you started right away.

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