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The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, or OLSAT, is an exam given at all grade levels, to assess a student's knowledge of verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative abilities. This test is used by school districts to ensure that students are in the correct academic placements and that they are being challenged when necessary. It is also a way for educators to determine if a student should be placed in a gifted and talented program or on a more rigorous schedule. An OLSAT prep course can be an enjoyable way for students to prepare for the test and to seek deeper understanding in a variety of topics. Parents can help their students to prepare for the OLSAT test by contacting 大象传媒. We can connect you with tutors who understand what your student may be expected to know and those tutors will provide personalized, one-on-one OLSAT courses.

An OLSAT class for a third grader would look different than the OLSAT prep course for an older student, because they are tested on different materials, and a tutor would create a program of study that included different strategies to review topics and prepare for the exam.

There are verbal and nonverbal sections in the test, and students in different grades may see certain categories of questions that students in other grades might not. This information is important, because it can help a tutor to design an OLSAT course of study for your student that highlights those sections for their corresponding grade levels. The table below explains what sections are included in the OLSAT 8 exam and which grades see the specific sections:

OLSAT 8 Exam Section Grade Range
Verbal Sections
Verbal Comprehension K-12
Verbal Reasoning K-12
Pictorial Reasoning K-2
Figural Reasoning 3-12
Quantitative Reasoning 3-12

For students in grades 9-12, the OLSAT exam looks different than those in K-2 or 3-12. Subsections include information that is more complex, like arithmetic reasoning, verbal analogies, and a pattern matrix. That difference will mean that OLSAT prep courses for high-school aged students may include different styles of instruction, maybe lecture and quizzes, while younger students might use more flashcards and more visual study aids. An OLSAT course can be personalized to help your student get the absolute most from their time.

The table below outlines some of the exam subsections that a high school student could expect to see when they take the test, and an OLSAT prep class could include sessions on a variety of these topics, to help a pupil feel more confident come test day.

OLSAT 8 Level G (Grades 9-12) Exam Subsections

  • Antonyms
  • Sentence Completion
  • Sentence Arrangement
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Logical Selection
  • Word/Letter Matrix
  • Verbal Analogies
  • Verbal Classification
  • Inference
  • Figural Analogies
  • Pattern Matrix
  • Figural Series
  • Number Series
  • Number Inference
  • Number Matrix

An OLSAT prep course doesn't have to look like traditional OLSAT prep classes designed for groups. This is because a tutor works with your student one-on-one and can speed up their work, or slow it down, if they notice that your student is more or less familiar with subjects as they move through the topics in the OLSAT class together.

Don't hesitate to reach out to 大象传媒 to set up tutoring and OLSAT prep classes with a tutor who spends one on one time with your student, to help them prepare for a test that can help them move into an academic schedule that makes them feel challenged and supported at the same time.

Contact us today to connect with a top OLSAT instructor