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If you've landed on this site because you're searching for "NCLEX courses near me," you're in the right place because 大象传媒 can provide you with everything you need. It shows wisdom to ask for help as you prepare for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). There's no reason you should be on your own as you work toward becoming a registered nurse. An NCLEX prep course through 大象传媒 is an excellent way to get personalized help through our NCLEX prep classes with a knowledgeable instructor.

Enrolling in an NCLEX course through 大象传媒 is a great way to obtain help from a tutor when it comes to organizing your thoughts, clarifying what you do know, and discovering what you need to review further. Working with a private tutor in a one-on-one NCLEX class can help to ensure you study the information that will be covered in all four categories of client needs. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the NCLEX examination covers the following categories of client needs:

  1. Safe, Effective Care Environment
  2. Health Promotion and Maintenance
  3. Psychosocial Integrity
  4. Physiological Integrity

The standardized NCLEX exam is a benchmark that each state's nursing board uses to determine whether nursing candidates are prepared to enter the field of nursing as a profession. If you're looking for an NCLEX course to help you begin preparing for this exam, you've already done the hardest work. Through whatever path you chose, you've earned your accredited nursing degree. Your final hurdle to pass is successful completion of the NCLEX, and that's why 大象传媒 offers high-quality NCLEX prep courses for future nurses like you.

What help can NCLEX prep classes near me provide in addition to content review?

You can you expect your NCLEX course to provide comprehensive coverage of the content tested in the exam, but you can expect even more. Because NCLEX courses are offered through private tutoring sessions, your NCLEX class instructor, or tutor, has the ability to help you with all aspects of the exam, including getting registered to take it. Your NCLEX class tutor can help you organize all the information about the requirements you must meet in order to receive your Authorization to Take the Test. Your NCLEX prep class tutor can then provide guidance as you fill out and submit the application to your state board. Sometimes it's helpful just to have someone knowledgeable about the process by your side to answer any questions that arise and provide advice that you may not have even known to seek. This is one of the benefits of studying with the help of NCLEX prep courses through 大象传媒.

Can an NCLEX prep class near me help me understand the different sections of the NCLEX?

Whether you're taking the NCLEX to be a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Practical/ Vocational Nurse (PN), the structure of the exam is based on four Client Needs sections, two of which have subsections. This structure was chosen to provide a universal way of defining competencies that nurses need in the widest possible variety of settings. You can definitely expect to spend time in your NCLEX course looking at the test structure and becoming familiar with the types of things you'll be tested on in each section. 大象传媒 will make certain that your NCLEX course instructor knows which test you'll be taking and has the knowledge to help you study for that particular exam.

The first client need addressed is Safe and Effective Care Environment. Both the RN and PN test include a subsection on Safety and Infection Control. The RN exam also includes a subsection on Management of Care, while the PN exam includes a subsection on Coordinated Care. As the section name suggests, this section is focused on the knowledge nurses need to know in order to protect the safety of both clients and healthcare personnel. Your NCLEX class instructor will help you review skills such as advocating for the rights and needs of clients, practicing cost-effective care, and providing for continuity of care, among many other specific topics. Because each NCLEX course allows for customized lessons based on your needs, your NCLEX prep class tutor can spend time focusing on the knowledge and skills you find most challenging during your lessons.

The second client need on both tests is Health Promotion and Maintenance. During your individual NCLEX prep classes, you'll review topics that will be tested in this section, including all stages of the aging process, data collection techniques, recognizing cultural differences in various healthcare situations, and educating clients on actions they can take to promote and maintain good health while preventing disease, among quite a few additional topics.

The third client need is Psychosocial Integrity, which focuses on how nurses provide care that promotes and supports the mental, emotional, and social wellbeing of clients in addition to medical needs. During your NCLEX prep course, you'll go over the details of how you, as a nurse, will handle situations involving abuse or neglect, end-of-life concepts, grief and loss, behavioral management, and a number of other client needs that go beyond their direct medical needs.

The final client need that you'll review in your NCLEX classes is Physiological Integrity. This involves the actual physical care provided by nurses, and is broken into the same four subsections on the RN and PN test. The first subsection is Basic Care and Comfort, and involves subjects like personal hygiene, nutrition and oral hygiene, assistive devices, and more. The second subsection is Pharmacological Therapies, which involves a variety of subjects around nurses administering medications. The RN exam includes parenteral therapies in this section, which refers to treatment administered in areas of the body not including the mouth and alimentary canal. This can involve IV, injection, or other such therapies. You can spend as much or as little time as you need during your NCLEX class on each topic, which may be the greatest advantage of working in individual NCLEX courses through 大象传媒.

The final two subsections you'll review during your NCLEX classes for this portion of the exam are the Reduction of Risk Potential and Physiological Adaptation. Nurses play a vital role in reducing the potential for the development of complications or related health problems during client care, and involves things like tracking vital signs, performing and evaluating diagnostic tests, and other prevention or early detection activities. Physiological Adaptation involves the care nurses provide for patients with chronic, acute, or life-threatening health conditions.

How can an NCLEX class near me help me improve my study and test-taking skills in addition to providing content review?

Your NCLEX tutor can help you become familiar with the format and structure of the test, strategies that can help you perform within time limits, techniques to help you answer all of the questions, and other skills that can help you on test day that aren't directly related to the content you'll face.

The NCLEX exam is presented in a computer-adaptive format. As you answer questions, the computer updates your estimated ability, which determines the next item you're faced with. As this complex calculation is performed on every single question you answer, the CAT, or computer-adaptive test, narrows in on a much more precise assessment of your ability level. This helps reduce the number of overly easy questions a candidate with high abilities receives, as well as reducing the number of overly difficult items a candidate with slightly lower ability receives. Being tested on questions that are too easy or difficult for your ability skews test scores. Neither of those situations provide useful information, so the CAT resolves that issue. If you're not familiar with taking computer-adaptive tests, your NCLEX tutor can help you become comfortable with the format by providing sample questions or test sections for you to complete.

Another thing you can work on during your NCLEX classes is learning how to manage your time as you take the exam. The RN exam allows test takers a total of six hours to complete all parts of the exam, while the PN exam allows five hours. Included in this time is a short tutorial and optional breaks two hours into the test and three-and-a-half hours into the test. Your NCLEX instructor can help you understand what each question is asking even when the question seems almost like the creators want to trick you. Your NCLEX tutor can teach you the ins and outs of wording, including specific words to look for as you read each question carefully. For example, missing the word "not" in a question could make you choose the opposite of the correct answer.

Your NCLEX prep class tutor can also teach you any number of techniques to make it more likely you'll choose the right answer when you don't know it, how to trust your first instincts by thinking of an answer before looking at your choices, and other helpful strategies. The goal of all these strategies is to help you answer more questions correctly within the time limits of the test. Your private NCLEX tutor may provide you with timed practice portions of the exam. This way, they could observe any issues you have with pacing and offer methods to resolve them that match your personal test-taking style.

Depending on whether you're seeking your RN or PN license, the NCLEX presents you with a different number of questions, and the scoring requirements required to pass are different. Because the courses offered by 大象传媒 are presented as a one-on-one model, you don't have to worry about spending unnecessary time during your NCLEX prep course going over material you've already mastered. At the same time, you don't have to be concerned that you won't review something because other students understand it and your teacher assumes you do, too. This isn't an issue if you're working with a private tutor. If you find yourself facing greater difficulties than you expected with any specific content on the NCLEX exam, you can request additional sessions so you and your tutor can work on that concept until you feel comfortable with the material.

When you're taking a one-on-one test prep course, it's just you and your tutor, and they can adjust your study plan whether you find yourself struggling with certain concepts or mastering others quickly. A private NCLEX class allows you and your tutor to design a study program that meets your specific needs. Your tutor can assess your starting point on each concept and then track your growth, allowing them to teach dynamically and make real-time adjustments to each lesson plan. They can take more time to explain something or spend less time on topics you feel comfortable with. This is not always possible in traditional, group-focused NCLEX prep courses, because there are a variety of individuals in those classes, each with their own unique set of study needs.

As an overview of the test, the list below outlines several key facts about the NCLEX for you if you're interested in learning more:

  • Multiple-choice exam
  • Uses an interactive system called Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)
  • RN candidates will answer a minimum of 75 questions with a maximum of 265
  • LPN candidates answer a minimum of 85 questions with a maximum of 205
  • The computer will attempt to assess your level of competence
  • The test is 5 hours long
  • It is scored once by the computer on which you are taking it, and a second time by the National Council's testing service

NCLEX courses with individual tutors can help reduce your stress level as your exam date nears. 大象传媒 aims to connect individuals in need of support with tutors who have flexibility when it comes to scheduling. Because you meet with your tutor online through our Live Learning Platform, a greater amount of flexibility is inherently built in. NCLEX tutors want to help you feel confident that you're fully prepared on test day, which is one way they can help alleviate any anxiety you might feel. They can also demonstrate relaxation techniques you can use during the exam.

Contact 大象传媒 today to learn how our individual NCLEX prep classes can help you make the most of the time you spend preparing for the exam. We can answer your questions and get you signed up right away. We look forward to helping you as you work towards earning your RN or PN certification.

Contact us today to connect with a top NCLEX instructor