Studying World Literature presents a student with numerous challenges. Unlike courses that look at the literature of a certain country, time period, genre, or theme, World Literature courses are free to run the gamut of works when designing their curricula. Literary works may be selected that are intertwined with cultural traditions and histories with which you are unfamiliar. In this case, you will be challenged both to read and understand the work itself, as well as to learn to appreciate the specific cultural milieu in which it was written. Historical events and cultural knowledge are important in ordinary literature classes, but they may become especially important aspects of a World Literature course, as your understanding of a literary work needs to evolve alongside your knowledge of its context. History is an important element of literature, as most well-known literary pieces are based on one historical event or another. By studying the historical events and the time periods in which they were written, you are more able to understand the context of the literary piece and appreciate its significance. Additionally, many of the works you read may be translations from the language in which they were originally written. A study of the connotations of the original text may be in order for you to best appreciate the themes, content, and the message of the story. Meeting these challenges and learning to read and analyze texts outside of the Western canon of familiar works is a crucial part of becoming a well-rounded reader and in gaining an accurate perspective of the literary world. World Literature tutoring can really help you deal with the complexities of this rich and deep subject.
΄σΟσ΄«Γ½ helps students connect with World Literature tutors all across the United States. These tutors can help students of any skill level tackle the challenges they encounter in their World Literature courses. Whether you are having trouble making sense of an ancient Greek play by Sophocles, the poetry of Omar Khayyam, or a modern novel by Chinua Achebe, professional tutors have the knowledge and teaching skills necessary to help you through any challenges you encounter. Instructors are thoughtful and patient, and can adapt their tutoring style to your specific strengths and weaknesses, previous literary studies, and any concerns you may have with your class schedule, assignments, or a specific text.