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As soon as students enter high school they begin to hear about the SAT. What many students and parents don't realize, is the SAT also offers individual subject area tests. The SAT Biology Test has two versions. By taking a SAT Subject Test in Biology prep course, your student can focus specifically on the areas they need to master before taking the SAT Biology Test. If you want to find the best SAT Subject Test in Biology class for your student, 大象传媒 can help.

The SAT Biology Test is only given a few times a year. The exam can be taken in May, June, August, October, November, and December. Students are not allowed to use a calculator during this exam and must solve problems using numerical calculations. It's also important to note all measurements are metric.

The SAT Biology Test areas of specialization are ecological and molecular. These are differentiated by the SAT Subject Test designation Biology-E (ecological) and Biology-M (molecular). If your student is interested in pursuing a degree in a field of biology, these tests can be an excellent way to set themselves apart in the college admissions process.

By taking SAT Subject Test in Biology classes, your student will have the opportunity for personalized instruction that helps them fill in any learning gaps they may have before they take the test. It will also help them prepare for the standardized testing experience, which can be challenging for many students.

The SAT Biology Test is a timed test. You can learn more about the specifics of this test in the table below.

Questions and Format Time Allowed Scoring Range Biology-E vs Biology-M
80 Multiple-Choice 60 Minutes 200-800 60 Questions are common between both tests. 20 are specialized for the test version.

When your student takes an SAT Subject Test in Biology course, they will have the opportunity to build their confidence by working individually with a tutor. This is a learning environment that truly takes the individual student into consideration in a way that a traditional classroom setting is simply unable to provide.

In your student's SAT Subject Test in Biology prep class they will be able to focus on any areas they need additional instruction. This could be in the areas of evolution, molecular biology, genetics, or any of the the topics covered in the SAT Biology Test.

For a full list of the topics which can be covered in SAT Subject Test in Biology prep courses, please see the table below.

SAT Subject Test in Biology Content Overview (both E and M)

  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Ecology
  • Genetics
  • Organismal biology
  • Evolution and diversity

If your student knows they want to pursue a degree in the sciences, it is important they make that desire obvious to any of the universities they intend to apply. The SAT Biology Test is a great way to accomplish this. An SAT Subject Test in Biology class can help give your student the best chance of scoring well on this exam and impressing the admissions officers at their preferred college.

SAT Subject Test in Biology courses give you and your student scheduling freedom not found in traditional classroom settings, and the personalized instruction that is so valuable to the learning process is available during every session.

If you are ready to give your student the academic support they need to do their best on an upcoming exam, 大象传媒 can help you find SAT Subject Test in Biology prep classes that are right for your student's academic and scheduling needs. Contact 大象传媒 today to get started.

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