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大象传媒 can help you find the Praxis course that is right for you. If you've ever spent time online searching for "Praxis help near me", then you probably already know how effective it can be to take a Praxis course during the test preparation process. If you are aiming to become a certified educator, chances are that you will likely have to take the Praxis exam. The Praxis tests are meant to gauge a potential educator's knowledge of certain fundamental skills and specific content knowledge that is expected in order to teach. Praxis classes can assist you in preparing for the test. We can sign you up for a Praxis prep class that places you with a qualified instructor who can work one on one with you in order to sharpen the skills you need to feel more confident in your abilities.

Why Take a Praxis Exam?

Students take Praxis exams for a variety of reasons. However, these reasons typically revolve around the fact that the individual who's taking the Praxis test is interested in becoming a teacher. In many states, Praxis exams are required before, during, and after teacher training courses. There are two levels to this exam and you may need to take both of them before you become eligible to be licensed as a teacher in the United States.

If you're interested in becoming a teacher, then you may have already decided to take a Praxis exam. You can get help studying for your upcoming test by signing up to take Praxis classes with 大象传媒. Getting started with Praxis classes could be the missing piece to your test preparation process. You can learn more about how Praxis courses can help you study by continuing to read on.

Praxis Exam Eligibility Requirements

There actually aren't many requirements that you need to keep in mind when signing up to take the Praxis exam. You should definitely sign up to take the exam early so that you can ensure you get the test slot that is the best fit for your schedule and learning goals. In fact, you can take a Praxis exam even if you haven't earned a college degree in education. However, you may want to spend additional time preparing for the exam if this is the case, just to make sure that you're comfortable with all of the material found on the test.

Although there aren't many eligibility requirements for taking the Praxis exam itself, you may need to pass a Praxis test in order to become eligible for something in your teaching career. State requirements for teaching license eligibility vary, but they often require that a potential teacher has passed multiple levels of Praxis exams. This is just something to keep in mind as you begin thinking about which Praxis courses would be the right fit for your test preparation needs.

Breaking Down the Praxis Exam Series

There are a few different Praxis exams that you can take, but generally, your Praxis test journey will start with the Praxis 1 since this is the first test in the series. The Praxis core test structure is as follows:


# of Questions

Testing Time



85 Mins.



85 Mins.

Writing (2 Sections)


2 essays

40 mins.

60 mins

To perform well on this Praxis 1, you'll need to have a strong understanding of multiple academic subject areas. For example, the first exam section, which focuses on Reading, asks test-takers to ready a variety of short and long written passages. Then, you'll need to answer a handful of questions based on your understanding of each passage you've read. You may also be presented with a brief statement and asked to answer a question about that in this test section.

The next section focuses on your mathematical skills. Here, you'll need to demonstrate an ability to problem solve using data and mathematical concepts. Some of the topics you'll be tested on are algebra, geometry, and probability, among other things. If you already feel well-prepared for math, your Praxis classes can focus more heavily on the other two sections, going over different question types and examples so that you can have a better idea of what to expect. Praxis classes can also go over the specifics of each section. Below, you'll get a more detailed look at what to expect on this test section::

  • Basic principles of matter and energy
  • Atomic and nuclear structure
  • Nomenclature
  • Chemical bonds
  • Algebra
  • Polynomial identities
  • Matrices
  • Scalars
  • Quantitative reasoning

Finally, you'll also be asked to complete two Writing sections. The first section will ask you to demonstrate your grammar and language usage skills. For example, you'll need to show that you understand the mechanics of the English language, structural and grammatical relationships, and word choice. The next Writing section asks you to write a personal essay based on your opinion of a topic that's presented to you through an essay prompt. You won't need to have any previous knowledge of this topic before writing about it. However, you will need to demonstrate solid writing skills when creating your essay.

As the information above shows, there's a lot of information that you need to have a solid understanding of before you can confidently take the Praxis exam. Signing up for a Praxis prep course with 大象传媒 may be able to help develop a better overall study plan. You can learn more about what a Praxis course can do for you in the next section.

大象传媒 Can Help You Prepare

As you start to consider which Praxis prep courses make the most sense for you, you'll find that 大象传媒 has several distinct options you may select. The Praxis prep courses that you ultimately decide on should reflect things like your test goals and learning style. You'll get a more in-depth overview of each type of available Praxis prep class in the paragraphs below.

The first option you may be interested in is signing up to take a small group-based Praxis prep class. Signing up for Praxis prep classes that take place in this setting may be a good fit for you if you've previously enjoyed the traditional classroom learning environment. This is because Praxis prep classes provide all of the benefits of the classroom learning experience and combine those with the convenience of online education. You'll learn from an expert Praxis course educator and will even the option of working with that educator in a one-on-one format if you need extra help with a challenging topic. If a Praxis course sounds like a good fit for you, then you don't need to search online for "Praxis help near me' to get started with one. Instead, simply contact 大象传媒 today.

Alternatively, you may also be interested in signing up for a Praxis course that gives you the chance to work directly with your educator. 大象传媒 offers a Praxis course where you can get one-on-one instruction from an expert on the exam's content. This style of Praxis course can give you the ability to focus on the content and test-taking skills that you need. Each Praxis class can be customized to suit your individual needs. The level of individualization that Praxis prep classes afford is rarely available in most conventional classroom settings.

When you sign up for this type of Praxis class, things move at your pace. This gives you the ability to linger on subjects that are more challenging. With your knowledgeable Praxis class instructor, you can develop a study plan that highlights your areas of need, giving you the chance to focus on the areas that need the most attention. Praxis prep courses allow you to be more effective and efficient with your valuable study time.

Many states and professional licensing organizations require prospective teachers to complete the Praxis tests as a part of their certification process. As such, it's important that you spend the right amount of time preparing. Every state differs slightly in the scores that are considered passing, so it's important that you pay close attention to your home state's requirements. Praxis courses can help to make more sense of the requirements as well as the individual subjects and core principles that are covered.

Additionally, your Praxis class educator can spend some time with you helping you to develop your general test-taking skills. For instance, test anxiety is an unfortunate, yet common occurrence for individuals who are taking important standardized tests like the Praxis. Experiencing this can make it difficult to focus on your exam and may even make it hard to remember what you learned in your Praxis class. However, your instructor can show you techniques that you can utilize to deal with test anxiety if you experience it while taking your exam. This is a skill that you'll be able to use on your upcoming Praxis test as well as on any future standardized exams you take.

Similarly, your instructor can also spend some time with you working on your time management skills. Being able to effectively manage your time is important when taking a test with restrictive time limits like the Praxis. If you don't practice working through the test at a fast pace, then you may not be able to finish everything in time on the day of your exam. Your instructor can provide you with practice tests and problems to help you improve your answering efficiency through repetition. This is another skill that you can utilize on the Praxis as well as on any future tests that you may take.

Understanding Your Praxis Score

After completing your Praxis exam, you'll receive a score that indicates a few different things. First, it will tell you whether or not you passed the test. It will also tell you the range of scores that were possible in each test section and for the total exam. Additionally, you'll see the range of the middle 50% of scores on the test so you can get a sense of how your performance compared to other individuals who took the same exam. Finally, if you performed well on the exam, you may earn a Recognition of Excellence (ROE) Award. This will also be denoted if applicable on your scoring sheet.

When looking at your raw score for each test section, you'll see that it tells you how many of the questions that were asked you answered correctly. You can easily calculate a percentage score for your test section by looking at your raw score and dividing it into the total number of questions from that section. For instance, if you scored a 42 / 56 on a test section, you would have gotten 75% of the questions correct in that test section.

Earning a passing score on the Praxis is important because of the potential it has to impact your career. If you're passionate about becoming a teacher, then you'll want to take your test preparation process as seriously as possible when studying for this exam. Rather than spending your time online looking up "Praxis tutoring near me", why not let 大象传媒 help you study for your test? It could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your study sessions.

Getting Started

Are you planning on taking a Praxis exam soon? If so, then you owe it to yourself to have the best test preparation process possible in the lead up to your test. Instead of looking up "Praxis help near me", get in touch with an educational director at 大象传媒 today if you'd like to get some help with building your own ideal test prep plan.

As can be expected, the more time that you are able to dedicate to preparing for your Praxis exam, the more comfortable you are likely to feel on test day. A Praxis class can help to put you in the position to take control of your learning and to pursue your academic and career goals. Contact 大象传媒 today to discuss any questions that you might have. Our Educational Directors are eager to help you find the Praxis prep course that is right for you.

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