
Award-Winning MCAT Courses & Classes in Oklahoma City, OK

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大象传媒 makes it easy to prepare for your Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) exam with an Oklahoma City MCAT course. Whether you just finished your undergraduate studies or you've been in the workforce for several years and are ready to pursue a career in medicine, the MCAT is a challenging exam that you don't want to underestimate.

Most medical schools require candidates to submit their MCAT scores as part of the application process. This requirement is in place because the test is an effective indicator of how likely a student is to succeed in medical school. Whether you will be applying to the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center or another top medical school, you will first need to impress admissions officials with your scores. Continue reading to learn more about what is evaluated during the MCAT and how 大象传媒 can help you prepare.

What can an Oklahoma City MCAT class cover

The MCAT has four sections for which you will receive four individual scores and a fifth combined score. Scores for individual sections have a range of between 118 and 132. The range of the fifth combined score is between 472 and 528. You will only have a little more than 6 hours to complete all sections of the MCAT. However, when you add breaks and the time given for instructions, you may spend up to seven and a half hours in the testing center. The MCAT is comprised entirely of multiple choice questions and is given on a computer.

The Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, and Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior sections of the MCAT each give you 95 minutes to answer 59 questions. They all have ten reading passages that are accompanied by up to 6 items and an additional 15 questions that are unrelated to the provided reading material. You will only have 90 minutes for the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section of the MCAT, but it only contains 53 questions. These questions are based on the nine provided reading selections. In any section, you may encounter an experimental question. These questions are included to help refine and improve the MCAT, but your answers will not be reflected in any of your scores.

Some of the subject areas you will need to be familiar with include reading comprehension, English, psychology, sociology, biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physics. Within these subject areas, there are numerous concepts that are essential to get familiar with, including chemical reactions, the periodic table, verbal reasoning, analytical skills, how to infer information, processes unique to living organisms, scientific inquiry skills, how behaviors form and change, cultural differences that influence well-being, factors that influence an individual's perceptions and reactions, and more.

The sheer amount of scientific and technical knowledge required to score well on the MCAT can be daunting for many students. Even candidates with a background in the sciences may need to benefit individual portions of the exam in order to achieve their desired score. Whether you want to review entire subjects, individual concepts, or targeted skills, an Oklahoma City MCAT course can help you with your preparation efforts with a professionally designed curriculum and the guidance of an experienced instructor.

How can an Oklahoma City MCAT course help me?

When you enroll in an Oklahoma City MCAT course, you will have the structure and skilled instructional support you need to work towards your academic goals.

There are several options to help you customize your learning experience. When you enroll, you will have the option of attending a two week or a four-week course. This scheduling flexibility allows you to determine how much time you spend preparing based on how much time you have before you must take the test as well as how much time you have available.

Courses are composed of isolated sections to provide modular design flexibility. This type of design allows new classes to begin weekly, so students never have to wait long to start their MCAT prep regimen. This academic design model also means you will be able to choose which sections to engage with based on your learning needs.

All courses are held in an online classroom. This learning environment gives you greater locational freedom because it means you can choose from where you attend class. If you enjoy working in settings with a lot of people, you may choose to work in a cafe or coffee shop. If you need complete quiet to focus, you may want to work in a library or at home. The only requirement is a stable internet connection. Not only is this great for your personal learning environment, but it also means you won't have an additional commute added to your time commitment.

Teachers will deliver course materials during live sessions, so you have an interactive component to keep you accountable and engaged. Your instructor may also encourage group discourse or projects, which can help you integrate knowledge more quickly. An underrated benefit of taking a prep course is the invaluable support network of peers you gain access to. One of the hardest things about preparing for an elite program of study is the feeling of isolation, which can result from not having anyone around you going through the same experience. When you're in an Oklahoma City MCAT course, you know you'll be surrounded by peers with similar goals who are facing the same challenges.

How can I get started with an Oklahoma City MCAT class?

If you're ready to enroll in an Oklahoma City MCAT prep course or class and give yourself the academic support you need to work towards your MCAT scoring goals, 大象传媒 can help. There is no reason you should face this rigorous exam alone or underprepared. You can work with a skilled instructor and a curriculum designed to offer a comprehensive review. If you're ready to take your test preparation efforts to the next level, contact 大象传媒 today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Oklahoma City MCAT instructor