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Students interested in receiving GRE Subject Test in Biology test prep should be pleased to know that 大象传媒 can locate GRE Subject Test in Biology tutors. Your GRE Subject Test in Biology prep can be customized to fit your specific needs. Depending on your learning preferences, GRE Subject Test in Biology classes can be altered to make your study sessions more conducive to your learning style. Every student has difficulty understanding certain concepts and course material. Your GRE Subject Test in Biology test prep can be designed to make sure that you focus on the topics in biology that you're most concerned about preparing for, before heading into the exam. Receiving additional help through GRE Subject Test in Biology tutoring can be especially important since your performance on the exam can be a critical factor in being accepted into certain graduate degree programs. The following is a outline detailing each section of the GRE Biology Test, to help you better understand how much of each topic you can expect to find on the exam:

GRE Subject Test in Biology Exam Section Breakdown

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology
    • Cellular Structure and Function (16-17% of exam)
    • Genetics and Molecular Biology (16-17% of exam)
  • Organismal Biology
    • Animal Structure, Function, and Organization (10% of exam)
    • Animal Reproduction and Development (6% of exam)
    • Plant Structure, Function, and Organization, with Emphasis on Flowering Plants (7% of exam)
    • Plant Reproduction, Growth, and Development, with Emphasis on Flowering Plants (5% of exam)
    • Diversity of Life (6% of exam)
  • Ecology and Evolution
    • Ecology (16-17% of exam)
    • Evolution (16-17% of exam)

GRE Subject Test in Biology prep can help you form a better understanding of some of the more advanced concepts you will encounter during the exam. For example, if you're having trouble understanding antigen-antibody interactions, GRE Subject Test in Biology test prep can be centered around certain concepts within that topic. That might include your GRE Subject Test in Biology class focusing on how to identify or get a better grasp on the different types of reactions, such as precipitation reaction or agglutination reaction. Many students find that the individual attention received during GRE Subject Test in Biology prep to be preferable to that of a classroom environment, where you might find yourself either way ahead or falling behind the rest of the class. In addition to focus on specific topics, GRE Subject Test in Biology prep can provide you with sample GRE Biology Test questions. Seeing the types of questions you will have to answer beforehand can prove extremely beneficial, and that is just one of the many advantages afforded to you by GRE Subject Test in Biology preparation. Below, you will find a list of the various topics covered on the GRE Biology Test:

GRE Subject Test in Biology Topics (non-comprehensive)

  • Macroevolutionary and microevolutionary processes
  • Convergence, divergence, and extinction
  • Biogeographic patterns
  • Phylogenetic relationships of animalia
  • Phylogenetic relationships of protista
  • Plant control mechanisms (e.g., hormones, photoperiod, and tropisms)
  • Metabolic rates (temperature, body size, and activity) in animals
  • DNA cloning, sequencing, and analysis
  • Antigen-antibody interactions
  • Epigenetics
  • RNA and protein synthesis
  • Chromosomal aberrations
  • Mendelian inheritance
  • Mechanisms of cell recognition, intercellular transport, and communication
  • Abiotic origin of biological molecules

大象传媒 understands that access to academic assistance can be pivotal when preparing for your GRE Biology Test. That's why we aim to make the process of finding GRE Subject Test in Biology tutors as convenient as possible. The flexibility allows you to work around your busy schedule, and you can choose the location of your GRE Subject Test in Biology test prep. Because you can do your GRE Subject Test in Biology test preparation online, you have the option of having your GRE Subject Test in Biology prep in the comfort of your own home or another convenient location with connection to the internet. To make things even easier, you'll be pleased to know that you can also access your classes on your mobile devices. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, contact us today for more information. 大象传媒 will be pleased to answer all your questions and help you find the GRE Subject Test in Biology prep that works for you!

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