You have landed in the right place if you've been searching terms such as "GMAT Quantitative tutoring near me," because 大象传媒 can help you connect with a knowledgeable GMAT Quantitative tutor who can help you effectively prepare for the exam. Signing up for GMAT Quantitative tutoring may give you just the boost you need in your test-prep skills to do your best on test day. GMAT Quantitative tutors can help you refresh your content knowledge, improve your overall study skills, and give you useful strategies you can use during the exam. You never have to study alone because 大象传媒 can help you connect with a tutor who can meet your GMAT Quantitative test prep needs.
The Quantitative section of the GMAT is used to measure your abilities in mathematical reasoning, solving quantitative problems, and interpreting graphics data. Overall, your GMAT score can be used by many graduate admissions departments to determine if you are ready to enter their establishment and do well. It is important to do well on the GMAT, including the Quantitative Reasoning section so there is no delay in your graduate school entrance process.
Below you will find an overview of the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning section:
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section Overview
- 62 minutes
- 31 questions
- Requires knowledge of geometry, algebra, and arithmetic
- Focuses more on reasoning than math skills
- No calculator allowed
- Scoring Range
Are there any advantages to GMAT Quantitative tutoring?
Yes, there are many advantages to seeking the help of a GMAT Quantitative tutor, including personalized study sessions. You can spend as much time as you need on the content that challenges you the most without wasting time on the subjects that you have already mastered. Also, working with a private GMAT Quantitative tutor gives you the chance to develop a trusting relationship with your tutor, which also comes with many benefits.
For one, when you have a strong relationship with your tutor, you may feel more comfortable during your GMAT Quantitative tutoring sessions, which can lead to you asking more questions and taking more risks in your studies. Additionally, your GMAT Quantitative tutor can get to know you and your strengths and learning styles, goals, and the things that motivate you the most. This allows GMAT Quantitative tutors to give you customized lessons that are based on your needs, not the needs of you and your peers. The lessons can also be changed at any time to adapt to your progress.
The Graduate Management Admissions Test, or GMAT, consists of four sections including Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal Reasoning. The Analytical Writing section consists of 1 essay question given over 30 minutes, the Integrated Reasoning section consists of 12 questions in 30 minutes, and the Verbal section has 36 questions in 65 minutes. The exam is computer-based. You will be scored on a scale of 6-51 on the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections, 1-8 on the Integrated Reasoning, and 0-6 on the Analytical Writing section.
The GMAT Quantitative section consists of 31 multiple-choice questions and you will have 62 minutes to answer them. There are two types of questions found on the GMAT Quantitative section and your GMAT Quantitative tutor can help you become familiar with the types of questions and the best plan of attack.
Below you will find an explanation of the types of questions on the exam:
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
- Abilities Assessed
- Interpreting graphical information
- Mathematical reasoning
- Quantitative problem solving
- Question Types
- Problem Solving
- Read and solve a problem. Choose the best answer from 5 choices.
- Assesses analytical and logical reasoning skills in finding solutions for quantitative problems
- Data Sufficiency
- Problems include two statements and a question. Combine math and everyday knowledge with the provided statements to determine if there's enough information to answer the question.
- Assesses the ability to interpret information, pull out the important details, and make a determination on if a solution can be found.
How can GMAT Quantitative tutoring near me help me improve my overall test-taking skills?
The Quantitative section of the GMAT consists of multiple-choice questions. One of the biggest ways your GMAT Quantitative tutor can help you is by giving you a sample of the types of questions you will encounter on the exam. GMAT Quantitative tutoring includes help with how to take a standardized exam because they are a lot different than regular exams. By becoming more familiar with the format and structure of the test, your GMAT Quantitative tutor can give you the tools you need to prepare for standardized exams in the future, both during your graduate college experience and for any credentialing and licensing you might need in your career down the road.
Here is an overview of a data sufficiency question to help you become more familiar with them:
Data Sufficiency Question Overview
- Statements have labels (1) and (2)
- Consider the statements and your existing knowledge (like the number of days in a certain month or the meaning of a word) to choose one of the answer choices
- Answer choices are always the same:
- Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient; but statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
- Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient; but statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
- BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
- EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
- Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.
How can GMAT Quantitative tutors near me help me finish the exam in a timely manner?
As we discussed above, GMAT Quantitative tutoring involves more than just reviewing the material that will be on the test. That's a large portion of the tutoring sessions, but there are other important and valuable ways that GMAT Quantitative tutors can prepare you for the exam. Standardized tests such as the GMAT are different than the tests you have encountered in high school or even during your undergraduate years. You will have to cover a lot of varying material in one day, and with time limits.
Tutors can teach you time management strategies that you can use during the test. For instance, if you cannot decide between two answers that both sound correct, it is better to make an educated guess than to leave the question unanswered. Your GMAT Quantitative tutor could even teach you strategies to help you determine which answer is likely the correct one. Additionally, a lot of tutors give full, timed practice sections to figure out if you are having any pacing issues that can be worked out before the big day. Your tutor can walk you through each section, explaining where it is important to spend the most time and where time can be shortened.
Can GMAT Quantitative tutoring near me help me understand the exact meaning of the questions?
In addition to being timed on the exam, another thing that is different is the wording of the questions. Some students may even believe they are worded to trick them into choosing the incorrect answers. That's why a lot of GMAT Quantitative tutors spend time with students teaching them how to properly read a GMAT question in such a way that makes sense and allows them to understand what is being asked of them. Something as simple as not paying attention to and/or in a question can lead students to the wrong answer.
In addition to helping you carefully read each question, your GMAT Quantitative tutor can give you sample questions that can be considered confusing and go through them with you to show you what phrasing is likely to show up and how to interpret it. This is just another one of the many ways you can benefit from practice sections and questions provided by your tutor. Once you have had a sufficient amount of practice answering sample questions with the same wording found on the tests, you can become more familiar with what they are asking of you. You will also have new strategies to use to figure them out.
Can working with GMAT Quantitative tutors near me help me beyond test day?
The results of the GMAT are used to determine if you are eligible to attend top graduate schools. If you do not perform at your best, it is true that you can retake the exam. However, you would just be delaying your entrance into the program you have been dreaming of. Not to mention, if you keep making the same mistakes, you will face the same issues no matter how many times you retake the exam. It is important to do whatever you can to help yourself pursue your future goals.
The graduate admissions scene is more and more competitive these days. Here is a look at some of the information collected about GMAT Quantitative scores that may motivate you to up your test prep game:
GMAT Quantitative Scores
- Time frame considered
- January 2015 - December 2017
- Number of test takers
- Mean Score
- Percentile Rank of Mean Score
- Standard Deviation
This is just one more reason to be glad that your GMAT Quantitative tutor can provide you with more than just a review of the material. You want to go into test day as adequately prepared as possible to earn your highest score possible. Part of preparing for the GMAT includes making important career decisions, finding the correct program, and figuring out what requirements you must meet to get in, including your expected score. Instead of feeling confused and discouraged, you can work alongside your tutor on setting your score goal, and then taking the appropriate steps you need to help reach for that score goal. Because GMAT Quantitative tutors are familiar with the contents and format of the exam, they can work with you as you overcome the challenges and obstacles until you feel confident that you have worked the hardest, conquered the obstacles, and feel ready to reach for your score goal.
So now that I am ready to work with a GMAT Quantitative tutor near me, how can I get started?
大象传媒 would love to help you finish your search for GMAT Quantitative tutors near me by connecting you with a skilled GMAT Quantitative tutor who is available at a time that is the most convenient for your busy schedule. Your sessions will take place online through the Live Learning Platform, which offers even more convenience and flexibility. You can access the platform from any smartphone, tablet, or desktop wherever there is a stable internet connection. Contact 大象传媒 today to learn more about how a professional GMAT Quantitative tutor near me can help you get ready for test day.