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If you're seeking to get certified in Cisco networks, 大象传媒 can help you with your CCNA Service Provider prep by connecting you with a capable instructor. The Cisco Certified Network Associate Service Provider certification requires that you take one of two exams: SPNGN1 and SPNGN2. Passing the test allows you to apply for positions as a Cisco Service Provider. Our CCNA Service Provider classes are a flexible and convenient way to get additional support as you study for your test. Our academic advisers can help you connect to expert CCNA Service Provider tutors who can work with you today!

Before you can start CCNA Service Provider test prep, it is important to identify which test you need to take. Each exam has a unique format. The SPNGN1 exam is broken down in this table:

SPNGN1 Exam Topics

Topic Percentage of Test
1.0 IP Networks 12%
2.0 IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing 13%
3.0 Switched Network Technologies I 12%
4.0 Routed Network Technologies I 10%
5.0 IP Services 10%
6.0 Cisco Operating Systems and Platforms I 15%
7.0 Transport Technologies 9%
8.0 Security in the Network 10%
9.0 Network Management 9%

However, if you are taking the SPNGN2, the format covered by your CCNA Service Provider course is a little different. This exam is explained in the table below:

SPNGN1 Study Categories

  • IP Networks
  • IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing
  • Switched Network Technologies I
  • IP Services
  • Cisco Operating Systems and Platforms I
  • Transport Technologies
  • Security in the Network
  • Network Management

Thorough CCNA Service Provider test prep allows you to engage with the material alongside a private instructor who understands you as a student. Your private tutor can get to know you, assessing your abilities, learning style, and goals to form a custom study plan. They can bring structure to your CCNA Service Provider preparation efforts.

Each study session revolves around the areas in which you have the most room for growth. Do you feel confident about switching and routing network technologies? Perhaps you'd rather spend your study session review IP NGN architecture concepts. One-on-one CCNA Service Provider tutoring is an efficient learning option that can help you build your confidence without studying topics you don't need to review. Throughout each CCNA Service Provider class, you are free to ask questions without fear of humiliation. Your instructor can patiently breakdown the information in as many ways as it takes for you to understand. CCNA Service Provider prep strives to support you as you learn.

Your instructor can help you learn valuable CCNA Service Provider test prep strategies that can help you study more effectively in between sessions. Taking advantage of CCNA Service Provider prep opportunities can allow you to learn skills that are effective well beyond this test. They can demonstrate testing techniques to help you quickly recall information, manage your time, and reduce test-related anxiety.

CCNA Service Provider courses allow you to take control of your study sessions. Focus on what you'd like to review, rather than following along with your instructor. They can readily assess your CCNA Service Provider test prep to ensure that you remain on the right track as you work. They may do this using several techniques, such as having you to "teach" the information back to them or asking you questions about the material.

You don't have to do your CCNA Service Provider test preparation on your own. 大象传媒 can help you connect with solid CCNA Service Provider prep that can help you remain focused as you build your skills. We can't wait to support your professional goals.

Contact us today to connect with a top CCNA Service Provider - Cisco Certified Network Associate-Service Provider instructor