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If you are looking into expert ARRT prep options to help you pursue your professional potential, 大象传媒 can refer you to private ARRT classes and help improve your self-confidence on exam day. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) offers credentials in Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy, and Interventional Procedures. Candidates are required to have undergone structured education, own clinical experience, and have passed a standardized exam in order to earn an ARRT credential. If you feel as though your ARRT test prep could use a boost, let us connect you with knowledgeable ARRT tutors today!

Many students take ARRT prep courses to learn what to expect on exam day. The structure and content on the exam you need to take depends on the specific certification you are trying to earn. If you plan to take the Computed Tomography exam, the bulleted list below might serve as a syllabus for your ARRT class:

  • Patient Care - 22 Questions
    • Patient Interactions and Management
  • Safety - 20 Questions
    • Radiation Safety and Dose
  • Image Production
    • Image Production - 30 Questions
    • Image Evaluation and Archiving - 25 Questions
  • Procedures
    • Head, Neck, and Musculoskeletal - 24 Questions
    • Neck and Chest - 20 Questions
    • Abdomen and Pelvis - 24 Questions

Image Production and Procedures are clearly the largest sections of the test, but you won't earn ARRT certification unless your Safety and Patient Care skills are also up to snuff. A private ARRT course provides the flexibility to study whatever you need to instead of following some established curriculum. For example, if you feel that you could benefit more from reviewing Patient Interactions than Image Production, concentrate on the Patient Care section during your ARRT test prep.

The same principle applies to all of the other ARRT exams. The chart below breaks down the contents of the Magnetic Resonance exam:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Exam Section Percentage of Exam # Scored Questions
Patient Care 8 17
Safety 8 15
Image Production 56 112
Procedures 28 56

Image Production is more than half of the entire exam, so large ARRT courses are likely to focus on it heavily. This is fine if you actually need to go over that section, but you're out of luck if you hoping to spend more time on something else. The beauty of private ARRT preparation is that your needs are the sole determinant of what you study. You never need to leave a topic behind until you are ready to do so!

Private ARRT tutoring sessions also allow you to receive individualized attention. You are your instructor's only pupil during your ARRT prep, so any questions you ask can be met with a timely response. Many students even find it easier to ask for help in a one-on-one learning environment!

Your instructor may also be able to adapt your ARRT test prep sessions to your preferred learning style. For example, an auditory learner might benefit from a discussion-based format, while a visual learner might benefit from using visual aids such as scale models to bring concepts to life. Your instructor may even incorporate your outside interests wherever possible to help make study sessions more engaging.

大象传媒 also tries to make ARRT test preparation as convenient as it can be. All learning takes place on our innovative Live Learning Platform, providing all of the benefits of face-to-face instruction without the logistical headache of arranging an in-person meetup. We also try to match every student with a knowledgeable tutor who can work on their schedule to mitigate the potential for conflicts. We know how valuable your time is and do our best to respect that with every ARRT prep product we offer.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of 大象传媒 ARRT test prep, give us a call today! Educational Directors are standing by to help you in any way they can.

Contact us today to connect with a top ARRT instructor