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If you are looking for API test prep, 大象传媒 has what you need. We offer top-notch API prep services to help students build their study skills within a private, one-on-one learning environment. API is an abbreviation for The American Petroleum Institute, a group that offers numerous certifications for energy industry professionals. If you feel that private API tutoring could help you reach for your goals, contact us today to learn more about our API test prep services.

The first step in any API prep program is to determine exactly which tests you need to take. Here is a list of some popular API programs:

API Programs Focus
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector
API TES Tank Entry Supervisor
API 571 Corrosion and Materials
API SIFE Source Inspector Fixed Equipment
API IAQ2 Internal Auditor Q2
API AQ1 Auditor Q1
APILAQ2 Lead Auditor Q2

Each of the exams above has a unique structure. For example, API510 (Pressure Vessel Inspector) is a seven-and-a-half hour exam split into closed and open-book segments. If you are preparing for this exam, you might consider taking practice exams under realistic conditions as part of your API test prep regimen to build up your intellectual stamina. If you are unaccustomed to electronic exams, taking practice tests during your API course may also familiarize you with its interface.

Here's a quick overview of some of the topics on the 510 exam to give you an idea of what API tutoring can prepare you for:

  • Corrosion rates and inspection intervals
  • Joint efficiencies
  • Static head
  • Internal pressure
  • Pressure & Impact testing
  • Nozzle reinforcement
  • Weld procedures
  • Inspection

Completing practice tests may also help identify areas of opportunity you could benefit from focusing on during future API courses. If you don't fare as well on a particular section as you do on the rest of the exam, you might be able to boost your study efficiency by devoting more API test preparation time to that section. Alternatively, you might want to gloss over any section you consistently perform well on to improve the efficacy of your API prep.

Likewise, API classes could teach you test-taking techniques to help you head into the test with confidence. For example, many students are tempted to consult their textbook for everything they can on the open-book section of the API570 exam, but doing so will quickly burn up your time. API tutors may show you when to use the resources available to you, and even provide a tutorial on the test's electronic interface so that you may check something as quickly as possible when necessary.

You are your instructor's sole focus during your 大象传媒 API test prep, giving you all of the benefits of individualized attention. Any questions you ask can be answered in a timely manner, and your work can receive immediate feedback so that you know how you are progressing. Some students also find it easier to ask a tutor for help than a teacher who doesn't know them as well.

Your time is valuable, so we try to set every client up with an instructor who fits into their busy lifestyle. We also offer a Live Learning Platform so that you may attend your API class online instead of a physical classroom. We strive to make API prep as convenient as possible to help you pursue academic success!

We take API preparation seriously at 大象传媒, so give us a call if you are ready to do the same. Educational Directors are available online or by phone if you would like more information about the services we provide.

Contact us today to connect with a top API - Associate in Personal Insurance instructor