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If you are looking for comprehensive API prep courses to help you pursue your professional goals, 大象传媒 can set you up with private API classes. API is an acronym for the American Petroleum Institute, a group offering numerous certifications for energy-industry professionals according to internationally-recognized standards. Each certification has unique requirements, including a degree of industry experience and a standardized exam to make sure you know the fundamentals. If you want to review all of the topics you might see on test day, taking an API course might be a great idea!

Each API test has a unique structure and content. For example, the bulleted list below breaks down the API TES exam:

  • Project Planning
  • Tank Preparation
  • Initial Entry for Visual Inspection and Evaluation
  • Cleaning a Tank
  • Vacuum Truck Safety
  • Tank Entry for Repairs or Modifications After Cleaning
  • Returning Tanks to Service

If you were to take an API class to study for this exam, these sections would be the content areas you concentrate on. Of course, our private API prep classes offer the flexibility of working with a one-on-one instructor who can focus on your unique areas of opportunity. If you're confident in your practical skills such as Cleaning A Tank and Vacuum Truck Safety, your API class may concentrate on more abstract ideas such as Project Planning.

Unfortunately, many competing API courses are not as adaptive to an individual student's needs. Consider the following syllabus for the API-1169 exam as an example:

  • General Quality Principles (10% of exam)
  • Pipeline Construction Inspection (50% of exam)
  • Pipeline Construction Safety (25% of exam)
  • Pipeline Construction Environmental Protection (15% of exam)

Pipeline Construction Inspection literally makes up half of the entire test, so any API prep course with a set curriculum is likely to heavily emphasize it. That's fine if Pipeline Construction Inspection is the area you want to concentrate on, but you would only be wasting your time if you wanted to study something else. Taking a private API course ensures that you never put the crowd's test prep needs before your own.

A private instructor may also be able to tailor your API prep class to your needs. If you are a hands-on learner who needs to do things in order to understand them, your instructor might provide practice questions and even sample exams to help you feel better about the exam. Alternatively, a theoretical learner might study the principles behind the exam more than the test itself. Either way, your instructor can provide immediate feedback on all of your work so that any misunderstandings can be corrected before they spiral out of control.

At 大象传媒, we also try to make standardized test prep as easy as possible. Our proprietary Live Learning Platform facilitates digital study sessions, allowing you to meet with your tutor online instead of managing the logistics of meeting in person. Powerful features such as video chat functionality ensure that sessions are just as engaging as if you were in the same room, so why commute? We also try to refer every student to a knowledgeable instructor who fits their scheduling needs, as nobody should need to shuffle their priorities around just to study for an exam.

If you're ready to enroll in a 大象传媒 API prep course or simply want more information, Educational Directors are standing by to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to helping you reach for your educational goals!

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