
Award-Winning MCAT Courses & Classes in Tampa, FL

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As you begin your journey into medical school, you should contact 大象传媒 to help you with preparation with a Tampa MCAT prep course. No matter what medical school you are applying to, like University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, most likely you will be required to submit your MCAT scores with your application documents. The MCAT is the standardized admission test that most medical schools in the United States and admission committees accept to determine acceptance into their programs. The MCAT is held in very high regard within the educational community because the exam consists of material that medical school faculty, residents, and medical students consider essential to the success of prospective students.

No matter what medical school you are applying to, the MCAT has some basic elements that are the same throughout the testing community. The testing time lasts around six hours; however, you will have a total of seven and a half hours total of seated time with breaks. After you finish the exam, you will have five scores, one score for each section of the exam that will be combined to create a total score. The higher your total score, the more attractive you are to prospective medical schools. Now that you have a general idea of the importance of the MCAT, it is time to overview each section of the exam.

Will a Tampa MCAT course cover the same material that is seen on the MCAT?

If you enroll in a Tampa MCAT course, you will receive an in-depth review of the materials that are on the MCAT. Each of the four categories, Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, and Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, has a specific time allotment, and number and type of questions. Your teacher can assist you with specific areas of need as well as the more general class topics when they review the material that is included in each section. Though the items are not the same as the actual test, you will receive a thorough understanding of topics, skills, and other material that you will encounter on test day.

The first section is entitled Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems. You will have 15 independent questions and ten passage-based questions with four to six questions at the end each reading. The questions in this section will involve chemical and physical principles that are general elements of the mechanisms in the human body, principles of living systems, and the function of the human body's tissues. As you prepare, you should review general, organic and inorganic chemistry along with fundamental physics, biology, and biochemistry. Take your time and familiarize yourself with the Laws of Physics and how they function with organs, organ systems, and human tissues. You should also have a complete understanding of chemical reactions and the Periodic Table because you will see questions on the exam that reference these topics.

The next section is Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills. This section entails items that center on your use of English skills, your ability to use verbal reasoning to measure your analytical skills, and reading comprehension. The readings you will be questioned on derive from disciplines in social science. You will not be expected to have in-depth knowledge of the material that caters to the social science career field. Your goal for this section should be to reflect strength in your reasoning and critical-thinking skills. As you execute the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section of the test, you will be required to read written passages. Similar to the previous section, you will have passage-based and independent questions to which you must respond.

As we enter the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section, you will encounter test material about the foundational concepts of biology and biochemistry, scientific inquiry and reasoning, and specific processes of living organisms. While you prepare for the MCAT, you should include general and organic chemistry and basic biology and biochemistry. The questions in this section will test your understanding of how to respond to environments, adaptation, how cells and organ systems work alone and together to accomplish scientific-related processes, the acquisition of materials and energy, and the ability to maintain a constant internal environment.

The last section is called Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior. This section has questions about the skills that you will need to have to serve a diverse population. Also, the way behavior affects mental health and the way different factors impact perception and reaction are topics that appear in this section. Additional topics that you will be expected to know about are the relationships that compose social-stratification and the accessibility to resources. During your preparation, you should review psychology and sociology to respond to the questions you will encounter successfully. As in other sections, you must reply to ten questions that directly relate to the written passages you have to read. After you complete the passage-based questions, you will have to complete an additional 15 independent questions to complete the section.

What are some benefits of a Tampa MCAT class?

Multiple benefits are available for students that choose to take a Tampa MCAT class. One of the benefits is the accessibility to the materials, teachers, and your classmates. You will use the online Live Learning Platform to communicate and interact with others. You can participate in group projects, class discussions, and presentations in real-time. If you want to ask your teacher for individual assistance specifically, they can be available to work with you to overcome the difficulties you may encounter with the MCAT materials.

Another benefit of a Tampa MCAT course is the expertise of your instructor. The instructors that are chosen to teach your courses are considered experts in online education. Your instructors have experience of teaching in a virtual classroom setting. They can assist you with MCAT materials as well as electronic references and tools that you may use to increase your knowledge of specific test content.

How can I get more information about a Tampa MCAT course?

You can contact 大象传媒 online educational consultants and ask them to connect you to a Tampa MCAT course today. It is never too early to begin preparations for your MCAT exam.

Contact us today to connect with a top Tampa MCAT instructor