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大象传媒 can help you find a Series 57 course that can put you on track to pursuing your academic and career goals. Many people have dreams of hitting Wall Street. However, there are tests that are required before you are allowed to trade. One such test is the Series 57. The Series 57 exam, or Securities Trader Representative Exam, is used to measure the competency level of entry-level registered representatives at performing their jobs as securities trader representatives. If you wish to do well on the exam, it would be wise to invest the time into preparing. A Series 57 course can help you expand your knowledge and increase your skill level in the lead up to the exam.

With a Series 57 course, you can jump right into the test content, learning about the subjects covered as well as the skills required in order to achieve your full potential. Series 57 prep classes can pair you with a qualified instructor who is able to work one-on-one with you. This gives them the opportunity to see how you learn best, allowing them to tailor their content and delivery style to suit your particular needs. With a Series 57 class, you can expect to receive customized instruction that plays to your strengths and corrects your weaknesses.

Question Format # Questions Time Allowed Passing Score Corequisites
Multiple-Choice 50 1 Hour and 45 Minutes 70% Security Industry Essentials (SIE)

Series 57 prep courses can break this down even further, allowing you the chance to look at the individual question types so that you can know what to expect. For example, it is often the case that the bulk of the questions - roughly 41 of the 50 questions - deal with trading activities. This leaves nine questions - or about 18% of the exam - to cover maintaining books, records, trade reporting, settlement, and clearance. Series 57 classes can give you a clearer picture of what topics and types of questions you are likely to see on test day. Some of the topics you might see are as follows:

Series 57 Exam Topics (non-comprehensive)

  • Understanding General Trading Practices
  • Achieving Market Making Status
  • Understanding Order Types
  • Market Access
  • Discovering and Handling Erroneous Transactions
  • Display, Execution, and Trading Systems
  • Prohibited Activities
  • Quotes and Trade Advertisements
  • Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
  • Non-listed and Penny Stocks
  • Options Trading
  • Handling and Executing Short Sales
  • Meeting Obligations to Customers Regarding Orders
  • Reporting Trades to the Designated Reporting Facility
  • Creating, Retaining, and Reporting Required Records of Orders and Transactions
  • Clearance and Settlement

After successful completion of the Series 57, individuals can engage in NASDAQ trading, proprietary trading, and OTC equity trading. A Series 57 class can also break down who is even eligible to take the test. For instance, it should be noted that candidates must first pass the Security Industry Essentials (SIE) exam in order to even be eligible to take the Series 57. Candidates are required to be associated with and sponsored by a FINRA member firm. What oftentimes occurs is that firms bring someone on who has the requisite training, going on to sponsor their Series 57. This allows them to begin performing their job duties in earnest. A Series 57 prep class can help you make sense of the process so that you can begin your career without any hiccups.

If you want to ensure that you have the knowledge needed to perform the critical functions of a securities trader, a Series 57 prep course could be just the thing. You can focus on important subjects such as executing transactions in equity and proprietary trading. Series 57 courses can help you hone your skills and dive deep into the content knowledge that you need in order to feel more prepared on test day. Contact 大象传媒 today to speak with a trusted academic advisor who can answer your questions or even get you signed up to the Series 57 course that's right for you.

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