
Award-Winning MCAT Courses & Classes in Seattle, WA

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The MCAT is a required component of your medical school application, and 大象传媒 has set up an online Seattle prep course to help you get ready for this exam. This test takes up 7 and a half hours of your day, so just breezing over a few core subjects you studied in undergrad will not be enough to get ready. Regardless of your current level of study skills, working with a knowledgeable, a vetted class instructor who leads a group of participants who are also studying for the MCAT can help you feel as prepared as possible.

The MCAT board occasionally changes the formatting of the exam so that the test represents the knowledge currently required of the medical field. Instructors understand any recent changes to the MCAT, so they can help you accurately. When you take an online Seattle MCAT course provided by 大象传媒, the instructors can go in depth about how the exam is structured and how to manage the multiple-choice sections in the allotted time.

What can a Seattle MCAT course help me learn?

Each online MCAT course will work on the different sections of this standardized test, so you can cover subject areas that you may not understand very well, which will help focus your solo study sessions. You can learn test-taking strategies so you can avoid skipping questions and manage the time given to complete each section.

During study sessions, you will cover each section of the MCAT and how they fit together. There are four sections - Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, and Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills - which have a potential score range from 118 to 132 points each. You will also receive a total score ranging from 472 to 528 points. This exam tests concepts that professionals in the field, other medical students, and medical school faculty, such as those working at the University of Washington's School of Medicine, deem the most important.

There are three sections rooted in medical and scientific knowledge: Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, and Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems. Each of these sections has 59 questions, divided into 10 passage-based sets of 4 to 6 questions each, along with 15 independent questions. You will have 95 minutes to complete each section, which test your knowledge of areas such as organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics, and even social systems. While many people think of physical health as the core component of medical practices, learning about behavioral science and mental health are becoming more important for modern doctors, too.

The fourth section, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, tests your reading comprehension, ability to learn information and apply it to different contexts, and your ability to critically analyze how context affects information. This part does not directly test your understanding of living systems, the human body, or science, but it does test your ability to read complicated ideas and understand how they apply to the world. Since you will be doing a lot of reading, studying, and practical idea application in medical school, this component is just as important as the previous three portions. The Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section has 53 questions, divided into 9 sections of between 5 and 7 questions each, and you have 90 minutes to complete this part of the MCAT.

Working with professional instructors and other students in an online Seattle MCAT class gives you access to all kinds of help to better understand these sections, how they are scored, and how to approach answering questions on this long exam.

What will a Seattle MCAT class do for me?

Even if you already set aside time to study for the MCAT, even if you have good study skills already, and even if you already performed well on practice exams, taking a Seattle MCAT course with provides you with vetted, highly-qualified instructors who can offer answers to questions, support to focus on certain areas of study, and dedicated times for the online class. When you take a class, you will be accountable for working every day to prepare for this test.

You can choose either a 2-week-long course or a 4-week course, with new sessions starting weekly. Reviewing information at dedicated times will help you focus and ensure that you do not make excuses or put off studying for this career-defining examination. Since the MCAT is so long, taking practice tests and spending enough time learning to focus for hours will benefit you when you enter the exam room - you can learn how to manage your time, keep yourself on track, and maintain calm while you answer questions about medical topics.

Working in groups has proven beneficial for many students, too. You will feed off the enthusiasm and support from others in your online group and learn information in new ways that you may not have thought of before. While our online MCAT classes cover the material in depth under the tutelage of a skilled instructor, they also allow you to share and hear ideas from everyone. Stay in bed and study for the MCAT at the same time, or get lunch at your favorite café while listening to your MCAT instructor review important material. And, if you do not get the help you need in the general group classes, you can ask for time with your instructor individually to review material you may be more concerned about.

How can I find a Seattle MCAT course?

These courses are online and available through the Live Learning Platform, which is easy to access and use. Just reach out to us to sign up for a course, and get started as soon as possible. Preparing early for the MCAT is more likely to help you feel ready and relaxed when you arrive at the test center. If you find that you enjoy the experience and any additional help, we can work with you to find an in-person tutor to support your study goals as well.

Contact us today to connect with a top Seattle MCAT instructor