Award-Winning Reading Tutors in Spokane, WA

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We have tutors that specialize in helping students with learning differences.

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Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using 大象传媒.

鈥 Shakia

Which grade in?

Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using 大象传媒.

鈥 Shakia

Which grade in?

Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using 大象传媒.

鈥 Shakia

What prompted you to seek tutoring?

My daughter has gone up 3 reading grade levels since starting with her tutor!

鈥 Deb

What prompted you to seek tutoring?
Did you know?

We've helped thousands of learners of all ages improve their reading and English skills including teaching English as a second language.

Do they have an IEP or 504 plan? (We have tutors that specialize in learning differences)

The tutor that was paired with my daughter was perfect and fits Bella's needs. Bella struggles with attention and has been on a 504 plan for years. The tools used, the interaction and flexibility are priceless. I was hesitant at first but now I'd do it again and I recommend 大象传媒!!

鈥 Isabella W

How soon would you like to get started?
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Understanding your timeframe helps us to develop a tailor-made learning plan just for you.

Let's finish up your profile so we can find the perfect tutor:
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We have a 4.9/5 average customer satisfaction rating.

Let's finish up your profile so we can find the perfect tutor:

I am very happy with our experience so far with 大象传媒. They matched my daughter with reading specialist Mary and she is wonderful! My 10 year old daughter feels happy after her sessions and believes her tutor has already helped her.

鈥 Allison K

Let's finish up your profile so we can find the perfect tutor:

We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Private Reading Tutoring in Spokane, WA

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best Reading tutors in Spokane, WA work with 大象传媒. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored Reading lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Spokane Reading Tutoring FAQ

If your student is struggling with their reading, 大象传媒 can connect you with experienced Spokane reading tutors. Sometimes students do not receive enough support in the classroom and that's where private tutors with expertise in reading instruction can really help. Working with a private tutor, your child can have ample time to ask questions and gain confidence in the troublesome topics.

We can help you connect with highly qualified reading tutors who can support your child's classroom learning. Expert tutors have a wealth of knowledge to share with your student. Spokane reading tutors can create personalized lesson plans and teach topics in engaging ways that encourage your student's learning.

How is Spokane reading tutoring different from classroom learning?

Spokane reading tutors can grant your child their undivided attention, whereas, in the classroom, the teacher must stick to the curriculum and manage an entire classroom of students. Students who may be struggling can easily fall behind when they don't have a chance to get all their questions answered. Also, the classroom teacher does not have the flexibility to adapt their teaching style to reach all the different types of learners. This can increase the challenge for students who are struggling with their reading to stay on track in class.

However, with Spokane reading tutoring, your student and their mentor can concentrate on exactly what your child needs to work on and adapt their lessons to your child's preferred learning style. For example, if your first-grader prefers tactile learning methods, their private instructor can use sand or shaving cream writing to teach both upper and lower case letters. Or, if your middle-schooler is an aural learner, a tutor can read aloud to them while they underline important words or phrases.

There are lots of different techniques that Spokane reading tutors can use to teach, and a tutor can try a variety of strategies until they find one that works for your child. Working on reading skills with a private instructor also allows your child to move at their own pace, skipping over concepts they've mastered and concentrating on concepts they do not understand. This makes more efficient use of study sessions that address your student's knowledge gaps. Learning reading concepts is hard work, so why not help your student focus their time and energy on where it matters the most?

What are the benefits of having my student study with Spokane reading tutors near me?

A tutor can get a sense of your student's reading ability and outline a study plan that caters to their learning needs. These lesson plans are customized and flexible, so if your student makes quick progress in phonics and word recognition, for example, the tutor can move directly into fluency and comprehension. Private Spokane reading tutors can build a rapport with your child and get to know how they like to learn. Customized lesson plans and teaching methods that best suit your child are just the beginning. Studying with an expert reading instructor can have a positive impact on your student's reading skills as well as their attitude toward school overall.

When your student is dealing with reading difficulty in the classroom, they may not receive the attention they need to keep up with the class. Additionally, they might not be comfortable showing that they're struggling in front of their classmates. During Spokane reading tutoring sessions, your child can express themselves openly about their reading struggles, for example, reading aloud with purpose and understanding.

Private instruction gives your child the opportunity to build a rapport with their instructor. This can help your child gain a whole new perspective on reading. The tutor can, in turn, get to know your child's interest and personality which they can incorporate into reading lessons to help keep your child more engaged. By relating a topic to a personal interest, like a storybook character to their favorite cartoon, the tutor can help your child learn to love reading, which can lead to academic improvement. There are thousands of books to choose from, and your child's tutor can select stories specifically geared towards their interests and at their reading level.

One-on-one sessions with Spokane reading tutors allows your student to receive immediate feedback. Since reading is a skill that builds on itself, it's crucial for a student to understand current concepts so that they can work up to more complex ones. Once a student gets off track in class, it can start to feel impossible to regain their footing. When your child works with a talented, supportive instructor who can give consistent feedback, they can build on their skills in a steady, straightforward way.

Parents can benefit from their student's tutoring, too. It can feel difficult to know the best way to help your child who has reading difficulties. So much of their schoolwork involves reading in some form and having a private tutor to help your child on their homework can make the nightly homework routine much easier on you. Enlisting the help of a private tutor can give you tips and suggestions on how to support your child's efforts.

How can I fit Spokane reading tutoring into my student's schedule?

Now that you know all the benefits that Spokane reading tutoring can provide, you may be concerned about how to add another commitment to your family's busy schedule. 大象传媒 has fortunately found a way to help your child get the reading support they need through either in-person or online sessions that won't interfere with your child's other obligations.

If you choose to schedule online sessions, your student can enjoy an additional level of convenience. Our Live Learning Platform provides a way for your student to attend sessions from any location with an internet connection. Our platform offers a variety of useful features to increase the efficiency of each lesson, such as video chat, a virtual whiteboard, and a shared document editor.

The video chat feature lets your student ask questions, get thorough explanations, and discuss different strategies on how to work through tricky concepts. The virtual whiteboard and shared document editor allows the tutor to observe your student while they work on an assignment as well as share additional examples. This makes it easier for the tutor to identify problem areas and address them right away so bad habits don't take root. The ability to offer consistent, immediate feedback is a huge asset to the learning process.

The Live Learning Platform allows face-to-face communication between tutor and student that makes online learning just as effective as in-person meetings, without the hassle of a commute. All your student needs to begin their Spokane reading tutoring is a compatible device and internet connection. They can sign into the platform from any location, whether it's from home, a study room at the Spokane Valley Library, or an available classroom at their school. Private reading instruction has never been more convenient.

How can I get my student started with Spokane reading tutors near me?

If you're ready to get your student the extra reading help they need, reach out to 大象传媒 today. Our educational consultants can talk to you about your student's particular needs and preferred learning style, so you can find a tutor that is the best match. We are here to support you and your child through their entire tutoring process and we are committed to facilitating the best possible experience for students and their families. We are excited to help your student boost their confidence in reading! Once you get in touch with us, we can connect your student with the best Spokane reading tutors in as little as 24 hours.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Call us today to connect with a top Spokane Reading tutor
(509) 309-0399
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