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The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) offers the most recognizable Certified Personal Training program, as well as different training program specializations. Candidates looking to start a personal training business, or pursue employment in the field, are strongly advised to work on earning this certification by using the services offered from 大象传媒. Employers agree that trainers who complete a NASM class are better-prepared to start their fitness career, as evidenced by the fact that personal trainers who complete a NASM class often earn more than their peers. Best of all, have the job security of working in a growing industry, according to IBISWorld Personal Trainers in the US.

One of the specializations available to trainers who pass the NASM is the NASM Corrective Exercise Specialization (NASM-CES). By utilizing 大象传媒 you can determine what areas are most vital for you to focus your attention and energy. The NASM-CES, only one of the specializations offered through the NASM test, is a proven program applied to reduce muscular dysfunction and help your clients move, feel, and live better. The NASM-CES teaches you how to use a variety of static and dynamic assessments to identify imbalances. 大象传媒 can offer assistance in deciding how to focus your specific NASM prep course, providing a systematic approach for designing exercise programs that can help anyone reach their fitness goals.

Before beginning NASM test prep, candidates should determine how they can best use their time and energy to feel prepared for the exam. There are six primary domains that provide knowledge topics learned in the NASM prep classes essential for passing the certification exam. 大象传媒 can assist you in finding the topics necessitating more scrutiny. See the Domains below.

NASM-CPT Domains

  1. Basic and Applied Sciences and Nutritional Concepts
  2. Assessments
  3. Program Design
  4. Exercise Technique and Training Instruction
  5. Client Relationships and Behavioral Coaching
  6. Professional Development and Responsibility

大象传媒 can offer you a systematic approach for designing exercise programs, taught during your personalized NASM course. The programs you learn can help anyone reach their fitness goals, from beginners to professional athletes. Personal trainers who complete their NASM classes can work in commercial fitness centers, as independent contractors, and even own and operate their own fitness facilities. The extensive NASM prep courses enable trainers to hit the ground running following certification no matter where they chose to work.

Personal trainers who complete the NASM test prep often earn more than their peers. This is not surprising considering employers agree that NASM-CPTs are better prepared to start their fitness career, noted in the results of a study conducted by MarketLab, a third-party researcher.

By focusing on the topics most important to your individual studying program, you can most effectively prepare for your exam. 大象传媒 can assist you in determining what topics, some of which are listed below, are most essential for you.

NASM-CPT Topics (non-exhaustive list)

  • The Muscular System
  • The Skeletal System
  • Fundamentals of Biomechanics
  • Planes of Motion
  • Principles of Human Movement Science
  • Principles of Motor Development
  • Macronutrients and Micronutrients
  • Portion Sizes, Meal Timing, and Frequency
  • Elements of Personal, Occupational, and Family Medical History
  • Physiological Assessments
  • Body Composition Assessments
  • Flexibility Training Methods
  • Cardiorespiratory Training Methods
  • Exercise Progression/Regression
  • Program Design for Special Populations
  • Kinesthetic, Auditory, and Visual Cueing
  • Proper Breathing Technique
  • Goal Expectation Management
  • Business Fundamentals
  • Sales Concepts and Techniques

Individual NASM classes provided by 大象传媒 can allow you to increase your confidence, build test-taking skills, develop strong study skills, and feel adequately prepared to pass the NCCA-accredited NASM-CPT exam and become a successful fitness professional. Get in touch with 大象传媒 to get lined up with a NASM prep class today.

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