Award-Winning GMAT Tutors in Boston, MA

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Private GMAT Tutoring in Boston, MA

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best GMAT tutors in Boston, MA work with 大象传媒. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored GMAT lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Boston GMAT Tutoring FAQ

If you're applying to graduate-level management programs such as MBA programs, you may be required to take the GMAT, and 大象传媒 can connect you with the best Boston GMAT tutors who can guide you through the test prep process.

The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, assesses your ability to apply specific business- and management-related skills, ranging from quantitative reasoning abilities to your aptitude with written communication and argument.

There's a lot of ground to cover before test day rolls around, and it can be tough to know where to start studying. Fortunately, Boston GMAT tutors are experts who know the exam inside and out, so they can offer you a comprehensive, structured review of GMAT concepts that takes your individual attributes as a learner into account.

What are some of the advantages of Boston GMAT tutoring?

You'll work with Boston GMAT tutors one-on-one, which has some distinct benefits over group classroom prep courses. When you study with other students under the direction of a teacher, you're often restricted by the very structure of the class itself. Teachers have to maintain a set pace to keep up with the class schedule and don't always have time to thoroughly cover each GMAT topic.

Additionally, as the GMAT is a wide-ranging exam, it's likely that there are elements of the test that you're confident about, and others that you need to put a lot of work into before you sit for the exam. Classroom prep can be too rigid to allow you to spend the time you need to dig into topics that you're struggling with, and can force you to waste time on subjects that you already understand.

Boston GMAT tutoring doesn't have these limitations. Your mentor can evaluate you as a unique learner and come up with a study plan that's centered on your individual strengths and weaknesses. A personalized approach can be more effective and efficient, as you can use your valuable study time wisely by prioritizing the GMAT subjects that you're having the most trouble with and briefly reviewing the topics that you're more comfortable with. You can work at a rate that feels natural for you and allows you to fully absorb information before moving on to new ideas.

Boston GMAT tutors can accommodate your personal learning style, too. There are many ways to learn new skills, from visual or auditory instruction to hands-on practice, and everyone tends to respond differently to various teaching methods.

Boston GMAT tutoring can allow you to receive lessons in a format that makes sense to you. If you're a visual learner, say, your instructor could put together sets of flashcards, diagrams, flowcharts, and the like. Meanwhile, auditory learners can benefit from discussion-based study sessions. The more time you spend working with your mentor, the more they can refine their teaching approach to suit you.

What kinds of skills can I study with Boston GMAT tutors near me?

The GMAT is split into several sections, each of which will require you to show specific management skills. We'll give a brief overview here so you can learn more about the test and about what Boston GMAT tutoring can do to help you prepare.

First, the Quantitative Reasoning section. Here you'll have 62 minutes to answer questions that will require you to employ problem-solving skills to solve mathematical and quantitative problems. You'll also have to respond to data sufficiency questions, where you'll have to analyze the problem, identify what data is relevant to the solution, and then determine how much data is required to come to a reasonable conclusion. This section requires a mix of math knowledge, critical thinking, and a general understanding of data analysis. Boston GMAT tutors can target the skills that are giving you the most trouble, whether that means brushing up on your overall math skills or learning how to apply numerical logic to real-world situations.

Next is the Verbal Reasoning section, which is 65 minutes long. This section assesses your reading comprehension and critical reasoning skills, so you'll have to examine presented passages and demonstrate your ability to analyze them, make inferences about non-overt information, show your understanding of the logic of the text, and so on. You'll also have to complete sentences or adjust them to be more grammatically correct. Boston GMAT tutors can go over sample passages with you and teach you what key components of passages you should be reading for when you sit for the exam and show you techniques for reading quickly without losing comprehension.

Third, the Integrated Reasoning section. For this section, you'll have 30 minutes to answer questions that incorporate data from a variety of sources. You'll be given textual information, charts and graphs, tables of numbers, and the like, and will have to synthesize this data to answer problems. Keeping track of all the information involved with Integrated Reasoning can be a challenge, but Boston GMAT tutors can give you advice on how to keep organized and translate data from one form to another. As the GMAT is computer-based, your mentor can also help you familiarize yourself with the interface used for this section so you can go into the exam knowing what to expect.

Last is the Analytical Writing section. Here you'll be provided with a written argument and will have to write an essay assessing and critiquing that argument. Your work will be graded by both a computer and a human assessor - the computer will examine the logical structure of your essay, and a person with management experience will evaluate it on the quality of your writing and English usage, as well as how well you express yourself and respond to the argumentative prompt.

Composing an essay on short notice can be tough even at the best of times, and much more so when you're under time pressure during an important test. However, Boston GMAT tutoring can give you an edge by drilling you with practice essays that mimic the experience you'll have on the GMAT. Your mentor can go over your work with you and point out areas for improvement and give you advice on how to create structured outlines before you begin working on your essay proper, so you can create a more well-organized final product.

How can I meet with Boston GMAT tutors near me?

Boston GMAT tutoring is available both online and in person, so you'll have some options to choose from when you sign up. Online instruction is supplied through our Live Learning Platform, which includes video chat that allows you to work with your mentor face-to-face from anywhere that's convenient for you. You can work from home, at a favorite cafe, at a library like the Cambridge Public Library, or anywhere else, as long as you have a stable internet connection and a compatible computer or mobile device.

The Live Learning Platform includes a range of other features too - a virtual whiteboard allows your instructor to draw math equations and diagram argumentative logic, for example, and a shared document editor can be used to draft Analytical Writing essays or work on reading comprehension. All online study sessions are recorded automatically, so you can return to previous lessons to look over them again if you'd like to take another look at a concept you're straining to understand.

Give 大象传媒 a call today to get signed up for Boston GMAT tutoring. Our educational consultants will be happy to discuss scheduling with you and find a mentor who meets your requirements. We can connect you with a tutor in as little as 24 hours, so reach out now and get started preparing for the GMAT.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

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