Award-Winning Florida EOC Assessment Courses & Classes Near Me

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If it's the end of the year, your student may benefit from a Florida EOC Assessment class through 大象传媒. These are a series of assessment exams provided to high school students in Florida. They are used to determine if a student understands and can apply the information they were taught. There are five exams in total: Biology I, Civics, Algebra I, US History, and Geometry. It is critical that your student performs well on these tests as they determine whether they receive a certificate of completion or a diploma. You can help them prepare with a Florida EOC Assessment course. Our academic advisers can help you choose a fantastic instructor to work with your student throughout each one-on-one Florida EOC Assessment prep class.

The five computer-based exams are split across two days. Your student will have three hours per exam, which is split into two 90-minute sessions. Each exam is set up differently, as your student's Florida EOC Assessment courses can explore further. For example, the table below illustrates the point system on the Biology I exam:

Sample NGSSS EOC Assessment Form section breakdown for Biology:

Content Focus Number of
Points Possible
SC.912.L.14.1 Cell theory; Evaluating scientific claims - cell theory;
Identifying what is science - cell theory
SC.912.L.14.3 Cell membrane; Comparing plant and animal cells - chloroplasts; Comparing plant
and animal cells - vacuoles; General structures - eukaryotic cells
SC.912.L.16.3 Chromosomal mutation; Similarities in genetic codes 2
SC.912.L.16.17 Meiosis I and II - prophase; Role of mitosis - asexual reproduction;
Uncontrolled cell growth
SC.912.L.18.1 Biochemical reactions and enzymes; Nucleic acids - primary function;
Proteins - molecular structure
SC.912.L.18.9 Cellular respiration - anaerobic; Photosynthesis - products 2
SC.912.L.18.12 Properties of water - freezing 1
SC.912.N.1.1 Analyzing data; Defending conclusions 2
Reporting Category Point Total = 20

With so many exams to take, your student can spend their Florida EOC Assessment prep course reviewing the concepts of all of them or individual ones. Below, you'll find the concepts the US History exam tests your student on:

Abbreviated Sample NGSSS EOC Assessment Form section breakdown for US History:

Content Focus Number of
Points Possible
SS.912.A.2.1 Anaconda Plan 1
SS.912.A.2.2 Carpetbaggers 1
SS.912.A.2.3 Radical Republicans 1


Reconstruction Amendments 1
SS.912.A.2.5 Jim Crow laws 1
SS.912.A.2.6 Nadir of race relations 1
SS.912.A.2.7 American Indian boarding schools; Homestead Act 1
SS.912.A.3.1 Cross of Gold 1
Points Possible = 8

There are many benefits offered by a Florida EOC Assessment class, not the least of which is the personalization. We can help you connect with a private tutor who can support your student as they work on their academic knowledge and skills. Your student's instructor can assess their skills, personality, areas of opportunity, and goals to create a custom study plan. One-on-one Florida EOC Assessment courses follow your student's lead, whether it takes them a while to understand Jim Crow laws or they quickly master chromosomal mutations. The tutor may even create custom activities or materials for your student to use as they study.

Personalized tutoring can allow your student to build their academic skills in a relaxed environment that encourages and stimulates them. Their tutor can introduce them to each exam's structure, expectations, pacing, and concepts. Your student can freely ask questions as they work without worrying about backlash. Their tutor can patiently break down information in a way that works for their learning style. A private tutor can demonstrate testing strategies that can help them relax and manage their time during their exams. Your student won't have to review concepts they are already confident about. For example, if your student is prepared for the Algebra I test, their instructor can focus on the others instead.

You can choose an instructor for in-person study sessions or online ones. Online Florida EOC Assessment prep classes are conducted over our Live Learning Platform, a virtual environment that allows students and instructors to interact freely. Your student's Florida EOC Assessment course is a flexible option that can fit with any schedule.

Your student doesn't have to stress out about preparing for their Florida EOC tests when they can take Florida EOC Assessment classes. Contact 大象传媒 to learn more about how you can connect with Florida EOC Assessment prep courses that can bring structure and focus to your student's study sessions.

Contact us today to connect with a top Florida EOC Assessment instructor