Lives of Early America

The lives of the four Americans featured here are a cross-section of those who helped fashion early America into the unique and enduring country it was to become. George Washington and Ben Franklin were giant icons, each in his own way possessive of the stuff of world-class stature. Both Founders of The Republic. Both leaders of uncommon valor.

Benjamin Franklin Ben Franklin's talents were legion 鈥 inventor, publisher, diplomat and scientist, to name a few. Known for his wildly-popular "Poor Richard's Almanac," Franklin also wrote what is considered to be the greatest autobiography in colonial America. In it the reader finds Franklin's shrewd observations on the philosophy and religion of America's colonial and Revolutionary periods. Another remarkable figure dominating the history of early America.
George WashingtonDavid Ramsay's The Life of Washington Washington's future was foretold when at the age of 21 he completed a successful mission to the Ohio Valley...surviving ambush and hazardous weather. In later years he would be elected Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States.
Daniel BoonThe Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone Daniel Boone, the legendary frontiersman, became a folk hero forging his way and his destiny through the wilderness of the west. In his first-person "Adventures," appearing on these pages, his daring exploits opened up the first westward migration and with it...the future of America.
Thomas JeffersonThe Thomas Jefferson Primer The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson was endowed with a multitude of diverse talents and interests. As one of the Founding Fathers his contributions to the birth of the Republic encompassed his talents as lawyer, architect, naturalist, paleontologist, inventor, agronomist and linguist. Herewith you are invited to read the detailed accounts of the many facets of Jefferson's life.
Raul RevereThe True Story of Paul Revere As a peripheral character of the Revolution, Paul Revere represents the countless, often selfless acts of those inspired to advance the cause of freedom. His famous ride immortalized by the poet Longfellow is an emblem for all the unsung acts performed by unsung men and women during that time.