Award-Winning CLEP College Mathematics Courses & Classes Near Me

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If you have been searching for a quality CLEP College Mathematics course to help you prepare for the exam, 大象传媒 offers private CLEP Math classes to help you improve your study skills. The CLEP program allows students to demonstrate that they have the skills taught in introductory college courses without investing time or money into actually taking one, earning their degree more quickly than they otherwise could. If you would like more information about our CLEP Mathematics prep courses, please reach out to an Educational Consultant today!

One of the first topics discussed in our CLEP Math courses is what you can expect on exam day. The test's syllabus is produced below to give you a sense of what you might want to review during your CLEP Mathematics class:

Topics % of Test # Questions
Algebra and Functions 20% 60 90 Minutes
Counting and Probability 10%
Data Analysis and Statistics 15%
Financial Mathematics 20%
Geometry 10%
Logic and Sets 15%
Numbers 10%

Clearly, there's no shortage of topics to study during CLEP Math prep classes. You have a total of 90 minutes to answer approximately 60 multiple-choice question, so you need to budget your time wisely. Students may access a scientific calculator embedded directly into the exam's electronic interface during the test, but using it on every question could burn too much time. Your instructor might show you when and how to use it during a CLEP College Mathematics prep class to help ensure that you have a chance to answer every question.

Another advantage of a private CLEP Mathematics course is the ability to concentrate on your unique areas of opportunity. The bulleted list below delves into the specifics of the types of problems that fit into each of the categories above:

Topics (Non-Comprehensive)

  • Solving equations, linear inequalities, and systems of linear equations by analytic and graphical methods
  • Interpretation, representation, and evaluation of functions: numerical, graphical, symbolic, and descriptive methods
  • Counting problems: the multiplication rule, combinations, and permutations
  • Probability: union, intersection, independent events, mutually exclusive events, complementary events, conditional probabilities, and expected value
  • Data interpretation and representation: tables, bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, pie charts, scatterplots, and histograms
  • Numerical summaries of data: mean (average), median, mode, and range
  • Percents, percent change, markups, discounts, taxes, profit, and loss
  • Interest: simple, compound, continuous interest, effective interest rate, effective annual yield or annual percentage rate (APR)
  • Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals: perimeter, area, similarity, and the Pythagorean theorem
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Logical operations and statements: conditional statements, conjunctions, disjunctions, negations, hypotheses, logical conclusions, converses, inverses, counterexamples, contrapositives, logical equivalence
  • Properties of numbers and their operations: integers and rational, irrational, and real numbers (including recognizing rational and irrational numbers)

If you are confident in your algebra skills but aren't quite as comfortable with geometry, you might want to focus on geometry during your CLEP Math prep course to improve study efficiency. There are also no time constraints with our services, so you don't need to leave a topic behind until you are ready to. Many competing programs do not offer a comparable level of flexibility, forcing students through a set curriculum regardless of their individual needs.

Since you are your instructor's sole focus during your study sessions, they may also be able to design study plans around your specific needs. For instance, a hands-on learner might benefit from using a virtual bank account to illustrate compound interest, while a sports fan could approach statistics through a baseball lens. Nearly every game ever invented involves something about probability, so educational games are also a possibility to make learning seem more engaging.

We also try to make our services as accessible as possible. You may meet your instructor on our Live Learning Platform, gaining the benefits of an in-person class without the associated headache of a personal meetup. Similarly, we try to match every client with a private instructor who meets their scheduling needs to reduce the odds of a conflict getting in the way of your study time.

At 大象传媒, we strive to provide a CLEP College Mathematics class that meets every student's needs. If you are ready to enroll or would like to learn more about our services, please contact us today for more information!

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