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If you would like to prepare for CLEP exams, 大象传媒 can assist you with finding a CLEP class so you can feel more confident on test day. Thirty-three different intro-level college courses like Precalculus, College Algebra, Biology, and Financial Accounting are covered in these exams. If a student receives a passing score on one exam, they can bypass a course and earn credits at various universities. If you think that taking a CLEP course can you help improve your test-taking skills, contact us today.

The CLEP exams were designed to assist students with familiarity on college course subjects to get their degree in a more inexpensive and efficient manner. Students may have achieved such course knowledge through independent study and reading, on-the-job training, noncredit courses, online coursework, and taking advanced high school courses. If you're a student with such prior knowledge, taking a CLEP prep class can help you get ready for test day.

Every CLEP course session can be planned to specifically meet your studying and learning needs. When taking your CLEP prep course, a tutor can gauge your proficiency on the pertinent subjects and develop the right study plan. With this baseline, a tutor can ascertain which subjects you need more assistance in. Maybe you have less confidence in your skills in Biology and Chemistry, so CLEP classes can help you in those areas. A tutor can be flexible in the way they teach you during these CLEP prep courses.

CLEP exams test students on material that covers five different topics like composition and literature, world languages, history and social sciences, science and mathematics, and business. The listing below details the five topics and the course material covered in the exam:

CLEP Exams:

  • Composition and Literature
    • American Literature
    • Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
    • College Composition
    • College Composition Modular
    • English Literature
    • Humanities
  • World Languages
    • French Language: Levels 1 and 2
    • German Language: Levels 1 and 2
    • Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2
  • History and Social Sciences
    • American Government
    • History of the United States I
    • History of the United States II
    • Human Growth and Development
    • Introduction to Educational Psychology
    • Introductory Psychology
    • Introductory Sociology
    • Principles of Macroeconomics
    • Principles of Microeconomics
    • Social Sciences and History
    • Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648
    • Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present
  • Science and Mathematics
    • Biology
    • Calculus
    • Chemistry
    • College Algebra
    • College Mathematics
    • Natural Sciences
    • Precalculus
  • Business
    • Financial Accounting
    • Information Systems
    • Introductory Business Law
    • Principles of Management
    • Principles of Marketing

Your raw score and scaled score are both important factors in getting to your total score. The number of questions you answer correctly is your raw score. That raw score is then converted into a scaled score. When you see your score report, that is the scaled score. During your CLEP prep classes, your tutor can give you more details on how the scoring system works.

It is important to understand how this scoring system works. However, you should focus most of your attention with your tutor throughout the CLEP courses to develop your study skills. Increasing your confidence level through improved study can be an important factor in feeling more prepared for taking these various CLEP exams. Your personal tutor can schedule tutoring sessions to fit into your busy life.

Scores for CLEP exams are kept on file for twenty years. Your CLEP course tutor can provide you with more information on what your score means as shown in the list below.

What your score means:

  • Your "raw score" is the number of questions you answered correctly.
    • Your raw score increases by one point for each question answered correctly.
  • Your raw score is then converted into a "scaled score"
    • that ranges from 20, the lowest, to 80, the highest. This scaled score is the score that appears on your score report.
    • The scores that appear in the table shown are the credit-granting scores recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).
  • Each college, however, can set its own credit-granting policy, which may differ from that of ACE
  • Scores are kept on file for 20 years

Our CLEP class can better prepare you to have more confidence to take the exams. Our CLEP courses give you the opportunity to experience customized tutoring from a private tutor dedicated to helping you improve your study skills. If you would like to find out more information on how to get started, please contact 大象传媒 today.

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