Award-Winning ACT Tutors in New York City, NY

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We've helped over 40,000 students with ACT and SAT preparation

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Understanding whether you've taken the ACT before helps us develop the most effective learning plan for you.

What prompted you to seek tutoring?

My son needed to raise his English ACT score above a 30 for a scholarship. He took the ACT twice and received a score of 25 on both attempts. With 24 hours of instruction from 大象传媒 he made a 33. We're so thankful to his instructor Winter, he was marvelous!!

鈥 Kimberly

If you know it, what is target ACT score?

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My son needed to raise his English ACT score above a 30 for a scholarship. He took the ACT twice and received a score of 25 on both attempts. With 24 hours of instruction from 大象传媒 he made a 33. We're so thankful to his instructor Winter, he was marvelous!!

鈥 Kimberly

How much of a score increase are you looking for?

大象传媒 helped our son raise his SAT over 100 points, and his ACT 3 points, which resulted in being accepted at all of the schools he applied to. We were very happy with our instructor and will definitely utilize VT again for our other children.

鈥 Heidi

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Every 大象传媒 ACT student gets access to our adaptive assessments which evaluate exactly where they need help on the ACT to both save them time and help them do their best.

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We've been helping students do their best on the ACT since 2008.

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Understanding your timeframe helps us to develop a tailor-made learning plan just for you.

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We have a 4.9/5 average customer satisfaction rating.

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Great experience with knowledgeable instructor who stayed on topic and explained in an understandable way. Raised my ACT score in the Math area by 9 points.

鈥 Melissa

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大象传媒 helped my daughter achieve an ACT score of 31! She was awarded a $36,000 scholarship. The cost was an investment in our daughter鈥檚 future with an awesome return! Thank you 大象传媒!

鈥 Twala

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Private ACT Tutoring in New York City, NY

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best ACT tutors in New York City, NY work with 大象传媒. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored ACT lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

New York City ACT Tutoring FAQ

大象传媒 can set you up with experienced New York City ACT tutors who can work with your student in a one-on-one setting. If your student is planning on attending college, they'll likely need to complete an entrance exam before being accepted into the school of their choice.

The ACT is one of the most popular exams people take when applying to college, so getting a good score on the assessment can increase your student's chances of being accepted.

One way you can help your student prepare for the exam is through New York City ACT tutoring. This allows them to study with a skilled instructor who's familiar with the ACT and can help them prepare for the test in a way that works for them. Let's look at some of the benefits that come with private lessons.

How is New York City ACT tutoring different from classroom learning?

One of the key differences between traditional classroom lessons and studying with New York City ACT tutors is the level of personalization provided through private instruction. Instead of following ready-made curriculum that covers a set list of topics, your student can follow a study regimen based on their needs.

For example, if your student already has exceptional reading and writing skills, they can quickly touch on these sections of the ACT, then spend more time reviewing science and mathematics. This can help your student use their study time more efficiently, so that they're more likely to approach test day feeling confident and prepared.

New York City ACT tutoring is done privately, which means your student has the undivided attention of their instructor. Their personal tutor can monitor your student's progress more easily. They can notice the areas your student is improving with and whether there are some concepts your student is still struggling to grasp. With this information, their instructor can then tweak the study material with the aim of helping your student overcome any academic obstacles more easily.

With New York City ACT tutoring, your student has a greater degree of autonomy over the pace of the study sessions. If there is a concept that they're struggling with, your student can ask to devote more time to reviewing that topic. Their tutor can help offer them more examples, explanations, and constructive feedback designed to help them better understand the material. That way, your student is less likely to fall behind and miss any important information.

Studying with New York City ACT tutors allows your student to receive a level of attention that isn't afforded to students studying in traditional classrooms. An academic mentor can monitor your student's status over time, observing the areas they're improving on and subjects they're still struggling with. For example, when reviewing for the reading section of the ACT, your student may continue to have trouble using contextual clues to find the meaning of words or phrases. Their private instructor can notice this and spend more time working with your student in this area, helping them received a balanced education. If your student is taking the optional ACT Plus Writing section of the exam, their instructor can work closely with them, helping your student learn how to organize their thoughts and write structured essays.

What are the benefits of having my student study with New York City ACT tutors near me?

There are several benefits that come from working privately with New York City ACT tutors. For starters, your student can learn through a study regimen that's been designed specifically for them, factoring in their personality and preferred learning styles. If your student prefers to learn visually, their instructor can incorporate flashcards, pictures, and infographics into the lesson. If they're an auditory learner, their instructor can set more time aside for discussions and debates when studying with them. The aim of New York City ACT tutoring is to help prepare your student for the ACT so they're able to do their best on test day, and their academic mentor is committed to creating a learning environment that helps them reach for these goals.

Private instruction doesn't just cover the content on the ACT. Your student can learn how to mentally prepare for the exam as well. Many people struggle with the ACT because they're not familiar with standardized tests. If your student has difficulty taking standardized tests, their instructor can teach them test-taking strategies that can help them succeed.

Your student can learn how to manage their time so they're less likely to rush through questions, how to identify important information from problems and reading passages, and how to pick up on subtle differences between two or more multiple-choice answers that look the same. This can help reduce confusion and test-day jitters, which can help them perform their best on test day.

New York City ACT tutoring is designed to be as flexible and convenient as possible. We can set you up with a private instructor who can meet with your student in person or over the internet at a time that's convenient for both of you.

There's even more flexibility that comes with online tutoring. Our Live Learning Platform makes it easy for your student to study from anywhere they find comfortable and convenient. They can connect with New York City ACT tutors from the comfort of their own home, a nearby quiet location like Grand Central Library, or anywhere else around town. All they need is internet access and a compatible computer, tablet, or mobile device and they can connect with a skilled instructor who can assist them with preparing for the ACT.

If you're concerned that online New York City ACT tutoring won't offer engaging lessons, don't be. Our platform uses several smart tools to facilitate collaboration between your student and their private instructor. Video chat offers face-to-face lessons that can place your student in the middle of the learning experience, and a virtual whiteboard makes it easy for your student to learn from diagrams and notes--just like they would in a traditional classroom.

Online instruction also includes a shared document editor and integrated questions, and every virtual lesson is automatically recorded and saved on the platform. This makes it easy to review past lessons with your student whenever they need a refresher.

Private lessons can also benefit you as a parent. New York City ACT tutors can give you in-depth feedback on your student's performance, telling you which areas they need to work on improving. You can also learn how to study with your student, so they continue preparing for the ACT after the tutoring sessions have ended.

A private instructor can give you tips for finding supplemental material for your student, creating a comfortable home environment for them to study in, and anything else that can help enhance their learning experience. This can go a long way in helping them mentally prepare for the exam, which can boost their confidence and make them feel better when it's time to take the ACT.

How can I get my student started with New York City ACT tutors near me?

If you're ready to give your student a personalized learning experience that can help them prepare for the ACT in a way that works for them, 大象传媒 can help. Call or email us today and speak with an educational consultant about private instruction. Let us know what works best for you and we'll set you up with one of the best New York City ACT tutors who can work with your student online or in person.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Call us today to connect with a top New York City ACT tutor
(917) 215-4373
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